Ch. 25 - Trusted

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I watched as this almost angered look appeared on Daryl's face at my mention of helping him before he shouted at me. "You outta your damn mind," he shouted out and I could hear the clear anger in his voice, "I don't need no help from no one, and certainly not from a damn kid. Get the hell out of here." Realizing I had obviously crossed some kind of line with Daryl, I looked down to my feet and backed out of the room, knowing no good would come of it if I stayed and tried to argue that he needed help at some point in his life. Keeping my head down, I didn't even look up as the talking around me quieted when I passed through a room with people in it. I didn't stop, I knew that if Daryl shouted then they probably heard what he said. I just continued on my way out the door and to one of the rockers off to the side on the porch.

I sat down on the rocker, away from the door if anyone should come out, fighting back tears from the harshness of what he said. I wasn't going to cry, not over something so stupid as that. Maybe Shane was right, maybe I did have a school girl's crush on Daryl and just didn't realize it until now. I didn't realize my head was in my hands until I heard footsteps walk over towards where I sat. Looking up, I saw that it was Maggie who was walking over towards me. "Hey," she said quietly when she realized I was looking up at her now, "you okay?" "I'll be fine," I said, "I just let what was said get to me is all. Did you need something Maggie?" "Your father sent me to get you," she said looking at me, "dinner's ready." "Okay," I said nodding, "I'll be right in." She looked to me and nodded before turning and walked back inside.

As I looked around, I guess I was outside longer than I thought as it was already dark out. Standing to my feet, I took a deep breath before entering into the house and heading towards where the others were seated at the tables set up for everyone there. I walked up to the tables, my dad looking up at my entrance and smiling at me. "Kathryn before you sit down," he said motioning for me to come to where he stood, "would you mind taking this to Daryl so he eats too please." "Um," I said looking around before back to the plate and then him, "sure I guess." "Thank you," he said kissing the top of my head before handing me the plate." "I'll be right back," I said turning away and suddenly dreading this. After what Daryl said to me I was positive he wouldn't want to see me again. But I told my dad I would and he's not really aware of how much what Daryl said, if he heard it, hurt.

Slowly, with the plate of food in my hands, I made my way back to the room Daryl was in. Quietly I opened the door to find Daryl laying on his side with his back to me, his shirt still off. I tried to be quiet but I think a gasp escaped my lips when I saw the scars crisscrossing along his back. He quickly turned over, looking at me where I stood by the door, before pulling the blanket up to hide what I had just seen. Embarrassed, I looked away from him and down to the floor in front of me. "What do ya want," I heard him asked but I refused to lift my eyes. "I was asked to bring you some food," I said and moved the plate in my hand to where he could see it, "and I wanted to apologize for earlier. I was out of line for asking such a thing. I'm sorry."


"Got nothing to be sorry for," I said after a few minutes of looking at her, seeing her not making any eye contact with me. "I won't bother you again Daryl," she whispered as she placed the plate of food down on the nightstand by the bed before turning to the door. "It wasn't you Kathryn," I said as her hand rested on the doorknob and causing her to stop where she was, "you seem to be the only person to care about me, but I just don't really liked to be touched like that." I watched as she looking back to where I was laying, confusion on her face. "But why," she asked as her eyebrows scrunched together as she waited on me to answer the question.

"My ol' man," I said looking away from her, "after my mom died he started beating on me and Merle, but with me he left scars on my back from his whippings. I'm not used to someone wanting to care for me, only wanting to abuse me." "I'm sorry Daryl," she whispered as I watched her reaction, "I just wanted to help you, and yet now I feel like I was trying to force you to let me help you. I wasn't thinking about how you'd feel to it all. Like I said, I won't bother you any more Daryl. Good night." I watched as she turned back to the door before walking out of the room and closing it behind her.


Talking to Daryl just now, even though apparently he revealed some big secret about himself to me that no one else in the group knows, I've still come to realize I'm nothing more than a nuisance to him. I stood by the door to his room a moment longer, wiping away the traitorous tears that were falling. The last thing I needed was to return to dinner with tears in my eyes. When I finally got the tears to stop, I wiped at the evidence and hoped no one could tell I had been crying, before I made my way back to the dining room with the others who were all eating in silence. I found my seat next to Glenn, joining him, Maggie, Beth, and Jimmy. Everyone else was at the longer table. Sitting down next to Glenn, I mustered up the best smile I could give him before turning my attention to the plate in front of me.

"Are you okay," Glenn asked peering over at me. Pursing my lips, I glanced over at him and nodded, still trying to give him my best smile. "I'm fine," I whispered hoping my voice didn't break and reveal the inner emotions I was fighting with at that point in time. I kept my eyes on my plate as I ate, but I could still feel Glenn's and Maggie's eyes on me as they watched me like they were worried. "Excuse me," I said after I finished eating, clearing my plate before walking out of the kitchen and into the room I've been sharing with my little brother for the past couple of days I'd guess. I've lost track of how long it's been honestly, each day just seems to blur into the next one like it's a never ending day.

Climbing into the bed next to Carl, I got under the covers before wrapping my arm around him to bring him closer as I let my mind wander to the last few days that we've been here at the Greene's farm house. I let myself think about all the times I've bothered Daryl, making him take me with him to find Sophia, not giving him the option really. It's a wonder he hasn't yelled at me more than he already has. I mean he did when we were in the woods and I almost got myself noticed by the walker when I basically told him regardless of his decision I was following him into the wood while I was still injured. But he hasn't yelled at me for constantly bothering him, and he's made sure I came back every time.

Honestly, the more I think about this all, the more confused I get. "I don't know what to do Carl," I whispered out, knowing he wasn't awake and couldn't answer me. I wasn't looking for an answer honestly. I just wanted to know why Daryl Dixon was making me feel so confused right now. Why he was treating me so differently than the others in our group. For weeks I watched him keep his distance from everyone with his brother Merle. Hell I even threatened him when he tried to attack my dad that first night my family found out he was still alive. Yet he keeps treating me like this, like he doesn't mind me being around so much.

But then again, I could just be letting my feeling interpret what's going on instead of actually thinking of what it could be. I felt Carl stir slightly beside me, causing me to look down at him as he nestled in closer to my side. I smiled down at him as I pulled my arm around him tighter, holding him close to me. I may not like Lori even on one of our better days, but that didn't mean I didn't love my little brother to death and would do anything for him. Finally feeling the tugs of exhaustion pulling at my consciousness, I settled into the bed next to my brother with my arm still wrapped around him as I allowed my eyes to drift closed and for sleep to finally take over, whisking me off into a dreamless sleep.

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