Ch. 63 - Going On a Run

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The rest of our hunt had been very productive before we returned back to the prison. We managed to shoot a large deer along with more squirrels and other small critters. And when I say we, well I really mean Daryl. I caught the smaller animals, but he was the one to snag the deer. Back at the prison, I'm next to Carol in a dirty white crop tank, shorts, and my favorite boots as I help her cook for everyone that morning before going on the run with the others. Since Dad stepped down from being the leader of the group, we've set up a small councel that has a few of the original members for the group on it. It's, Hershel, Glenn, Sasha, Carol, Daryl, and finally me.

"Hi Momma," I said smiling as my mother walked over to the grill we'd set up outside. "You and Daryl did good on your hunting trip," she said smiling as she looked at the food we'd managed to get that was now cooking on the open flames. "Daryl got the deer," I said shaking my head smiling as I glanced down at what I was doing, "not me. You know that I can't take the credit for that." "Speaking of Daryl," she said just as she glanced back, making me lift my head to see him walking up to us. He looked a little flustered as he glanced around at everyone shouting out hey to him, causing me to have to cover my mouth with the back of my hand to hide my smile and laughter.


I watched as Kat stood next to Carol, her mother standing in front of her, as she watched me while I walked over to them. "Hey Daryl," she said smiling before looking down to what was in front of her. "Smells good over here," I said looking from her to her mother and then to Carol. "Eat," Kat said, passing me a bowl of some of the meat we'd caught over the hunting trip we'd just come back from. "Daryl I need you to see something," Carol said looking at me before looking to someone on the other side of Kat, "Patrick you wanna take over for me and help Kathryn here while I'm gone?" "Yes ma'am," he said before quickly walking to her spot and smiling at Kat beside him. Almost instantly I watched as she looked over at him and smiled back hesitantly while becoming some what uncomfortable.


Why did it have to Patrick that Carol asked to help me out with the grill. I looked back to Daryl as Patrick came to stand beside me. "Go see what she wants," I whispered taking his now empty bowl, "I'll see you when we prepare to leave for that run with the others." He nodded as he handed me the bowl before turning to walk away, only to be stopped by Patrick's nervous sounding voice. "Uh Mr. Dixon," he said causing Daryl to look back at him, "I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday." "I didn't do it alone," he said before his attention turning to me once again.

"No I know," Patrick said quickly looking to me then right back to Daryl, "but Kathryn shot down my thanks saying that it was you. But the deer was a real treat sir, and I'd be honored to shake your hand." I bit back a laugh as I watched Patrick hold out his hand, waiting for Daryl to shake it. Daryl eyed his hand, before glancing to Carol beside him and finally to me where I still stood behind the grill. When he looked back to Patrick before cleaning off his fingers and finally gripping Patrick's hand in a firm grip and shaking it once. Watching him clean his fingers, I had to quickly look away as my cheeks began to burn, damn those memories.

When Daryl and Carol walked off, I looked to Patrick beside me as he shook his head, this smile on his face. "He's not some rockstar you know," I said as he looked up at me. "I know," he said smiling, "but still it's because of him, and you, that we get some kind of meat to eat most days anymore." Rolling my eyes, I shook my head before looking up to the direction Daryl and Carol had walked off in. I could just make them out with their backs to us as they stared out at the outer fencing to the prison. Looking back to what was directly in front of me, I smiled when I spotted someone standing there. Grabbing a plate, I dished them out some cook food and handed it off to them before going back to what I was doing.

"Hey Kat," a voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts and daydreams. Looking up, I spotted Daryl walking over towards the shelter I was standing under. "Yeah," I asked as he got closer. "Ready to go," he asked, "need to be leaving soon." "Yeah," I said nodding before walking around the grill as Carol walked up and took my place next to Patrick. "I saw you look away earlier," Daryl muttered under his breath as we walked away from everyone and elbowing me slightly, "what was going through that little mind of yours?" "You know very well what," I smirked and elbowed him back, "you did it on purpose."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said looking away from me, trying to hide a smirk. "Okay then," I said with a smirk of my own, "so what were you and Carol talking about back there, Tarzan." "We back to that old joke," he asked looking down at me while I only shrugged, "and she was just telling me that the prison may not be able to spare many people for the run today." "We'll manage if that's the case," I said looking up at him as we stopped near one of the cars we were taking. Sasha, Tyresse, Glenn and Zack were standing by the cars as we approached, getting everything ready to go.

As I helped put the supplies we'd need into the back of the truck, I stopped when I heard Zack's voice as he called out to Beth. "Okay so are you going to say goodbye," he shouted out, causing me to stop and look back to watch them. "Nope," she called back, not even looking at him and causing me to snigger at his reaction. "It's like a damn romance novel," Daryl said rolling his eyes and he came to stand next to me. "Hush Dixon," I said elbowing him in his side while smiling up at him. "Take your ass over to the damn bike," he said rolling his eyes and walking away from me. I knew he caught on to why I was smiling up at him. He had no room to talk when it came to romace shit.

Starting up the motorcycle, I waited until he was ready before I climbed on behind me. As we pulled down the drive towards the front gate, we spotted Michonne standing with Dad and Carl near the gate. "You're finally back," I said smiling at my friend as Daryl turned the bike off until we got going again. "Kathryn you be careful out there," my dad said causing me to look over at him as he stood next to us. "Don't worry Daddy," I said smiling up at him, "Daryl will watch my back." I watched as Dad, Daryl, and Michonne got to discussing the run before she volunteered to tag along. "Be careful out there," Dad said again as Daryl started the bike and began to pull away from him with the others to follow. I just hope this will be a good and safe run today.

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