Ch 1 - Family Feud

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"Still no change," I asked the doctor that was checking up on my dad when I walked into the room right after school let out. "Afraid not, Ms. Grimes," he said, shaking his head before finishing his notes on the clipboard in his hand and walking out of the room. I sighed as I walked over to the chair I've called mine for the past week as I'd come visit my dad in the hospital room. I sat my messenger bag down beside the chair as I took a seat in it before grabbing ahold of his hand. "Hey Daddy," I whispered as I ran my right thumb over the top of his pale hand, "it's me again, Kathryn. School's almost done with for the year. Graduation is right around the corner. Everyone keeps asking if you'll still make it to the ceremony to see me graduate. I keep telling them the same, that I hope so with all of my heart." I take a moment to steady my voice as I lift my eyes up to the ceiling, and using my left hand, I wipe away at one of the tears that were threatening to spill over.

I've done this all week, as soon as school let out for the day, I'd make my way here and sit with him until either a passing nurse or doctor tell me it's time for me to head home. I just sit here with him, holding his hand and speaking to him, just telling him about my day and hoping he'll wake up soon. "I miss you, Daddy," I whispered as my voice shook with the emotions I was feeling, "and I'm starting to get scared that you'll never wake up. The doctor says it's because you suffered a traumatic injury and it's trying to heal itself before it allows you to regain consciousness. But I don't know if I even believe that anymore. My teachers are all giving me these sympathetic looks, like I've already lost you. I just can't take those looks anymore. Please Daddy, wake up for me, your little girl." I leaned forward, resting my head on his hand as I felt the tears slowly slip down my cheeks and dampen the sheets underneath him.

"Ms. Grimes," I heard a voice say, followed by a soft knocking. "Yes," I ask, lifting my head up to look at the young male nurse standing in the door as I wiped away my tear stains. "Your step-mother is here to get you," he said, "she said it's time to come home and that dinner is ready." "Okay," I whispered, nodding as I wipe away the rest of the tears before looking back down at my dad. I stroked his hand one more time with my thumb before letting go of his hand and picking up my bag. I walk by the nurse, who was still standing in the doorway and tried to give me a reassuring smile. I attempted to smile back, even though I am very much aware that it failed to reach my eyes at the given moment. "We'll call you if anything changes," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder and, once again, giving me that same smile. "Thank you," I whispered back, nodding as I made my way out to my step-mother's waiting car.


I sat in the car, waiting for Kathryn to walk out of the hospital doors so I could take her home. The car door opened and she climbed in, facing straight ahead as she buckled up and waited for me to pull off. I glanced over at her, once, before turning my attention ahead of me and pulling off from the curb by the hospital. "I could've got a cab ride home you know," she said after a few minutes, causing me to look over at her while she continued to look forwards. "I don't think your dad would appreciate me having you take a cab from the hospital to the house every day," I said as I continued driving. The rest of the ride stayed silent as we neared home. "How's he doing anyway," I asked as the house came into view. "Still no change," she said as I parked the car in the driveway, "of course, you'd know that if you came to visit more often. He's you're husband for crying out loud!"


"I will not have you speaking to me like that young lady," Lori said, glaring over at me as she parked the car. "I guess I just won't talk to you then," I said as I grabbed my bag out of the car and slammed the door shut behind me as I stormed inside, past my scared looking brother. I walked into my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me before tossing my bag down on the floor and face planting onto my bed and screaming into my pillow. "Kathryn," came the small voice of my little brother as he knocked on my door before opening it. I quickly jerked my head in his direction and looked at him before sitting up on the bed and wiping away my tears that had been shed out of anger. "What's up buddy," I asked as I moved my legs over the side of the bed and he walked the rest of the way into the room.

"Were you and Mom fighting again," he asked with sadness in his blue eyes, the same eyes that I shared with him that we got from Dad. "Yeah, we were," I said nodding as he walked over to me and sat down beside me on the bed, "did I scare you or something, buddy?" "No," he said, shaking his head and looking up at me, "I just don't like you fighting with her." "I'm sorry," I said wrapping my arms around him in a sideways hug. "Has Dad woken up yet," he asked, looking up at me after we pulled back from our sibling hug. "No," I said sadly as I shook my head, "but I'm going back up there to the hospital tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?" "He will not be going with you," Lori said from the opened door to my room as she glared at me. "I didn't ask you, now did I," I asked, glaring right back at her, "I asked Carl."

"I'm his mother," she said, refusing to let up on the glare. "And that's his father laying in that hospital bed," I said, pointing in the general direction of the hospital as I shouted at her, "he has the right to go see him. He wouldn't be alone, he'd have me there with him." "That's exactly why he's not going," she said, walking into my room, "I don't trust you enough to leave him alone with you like that." "Go to Hell, Lori," I shouted in her face, "he's my damn half-brother! He's my blood too!" "Watch your mouth, Kathryn," she shouted back. "Or what," I challenged, "you won't lay a hand on me. You know how much I mean to Dad. He finds out you so much as harmed a hair on my head, your ass is on the street. And don't think I haven't noticed the shared whispers between you and Shane." "That's enough," she said as her face went red with anger. "Get out of my room," I shouted at her and turned my back to see Carl staring up at me with tears in his eyes as his mother slammed the door shut behind her.


I've seen Mom and Kathryn fight before, but it's never been that bad. I think this whole thing with Dad getting hurt as put us all on edge. "Carl, I'm so sorry you had to see that," she whispered as she walked over to me, "I know you've seen me and your mother fight before, even I'll admit that was one of our worst times." "I know," I said, nodding my head as she knelt down in front of me. "This doesn't change how you feel about me, does it," she asked with worry clouding her eyes, "even though your mom gets on my last nerve and isn't my blood, I still love her like she was even though we seem to argue more than anything." "I know, Kathryn," I said, smiling at her. "Was there something you needed when you came to my room, Carl," she asked, smiling back at me. "Could you help me with my homework," I asked, smiling up at her as she nodded before standing up and holding her hand out to me.


I get she's not my child, that she's the product of Rick's first marriage, but she has no right to talk to me like that, and in front of Carl as well. For the past week, she's been spending any and all of her free time up at that hospital, in Rick's room, just waiting to see if he'll wake up. She's got Carl wanting to go up there more than what he's already been. He's got to focus on his school work, like she should, just like Rick would want if he was awake right now. He wouldn't want their studies to suffer because of his injuries at the present time. Sometimes I don't understand that girl. I get she's a teenager and going to have her moments, but it's always when her dad isn't around to hear. When he's around, she's smiling and happy, but it's all an act and the second he's not where he can hear or see what's going on, she changes her mood instantly. I just don't think she likes me that much.

Edited: 9/27/2017

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