Ch. 116 - Following the Plan

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I watched from beside Daryl as everyone went crazy around us. Everyone was freaking out, except for those of us that had been put in a somewhat similar situation at least once before. "We gotta do this now," Dad shouted out as he hopped down from where he had been standing when he was talking to everyone. "Kat c'mon," Daryl said as he grabbed ahold of my wrist and pulled me back towards his bike. "Sasha, Abraham," I heard Dad shout as we stopped at the bike, Daryl lifting up his crossbow and aiming towards the entrance that we were at. "Damn straight," Abraham remarked, "we'll do it live."

I watched as they both climbed into the car that was going to be riding with me and Daryl. "You'll meet Daryl and Kathryn at red," he shouted quickly before they closed the doors and couldn't hear him anymore, "go!" Glenn caught Dad's attention, talking about hitting the tractor place before the heard could get to it. "Glenn," I shouted out as I ran to him quickly and wrapping my arms tightly around him, "be careful!" "You too," he said returning the hug before his group ran off to get to the tractor place and deal with that problem.

"Kat," Daryl shouted, causing me to remember what was going on. I quickly ran back to stand behind him as we stood next to the bike, ready and waiting for the trucks to be moved so we could get this over with. "Daryl get ready," Dad shouted as Daryl tensed even more. "They're coming," he shouted, crossbow at the ready as I stood closer to the bike so I could get on as quickly as possible. "Tobin on my mark," Dad shouted out, "they're headed for home! Get ready with the flairs!" He lifted up his hand, waiting just a few seconds longer before quickly lowering it and shouting out.

Everyone started firing off rounds as the flairs went up and the truck was moved. I pulled my gun out that I always had with me now, aiming in the air and firing a few shots. As one walker pulled free from the trucks before one was even moved, Daryl fired an arrow into its skull before quickly putting the crossbow on his bike and climbing on. I put my gun away, back in the back waistband of my jeans, before running over to him and climbing on behind as he started the bike and revved it up.

I wrapped my arms around Daryl's waist as he rode off from the herd, but not too fast where they couldn't keep up and keep interested in us. I could hear Dad talking on the radio, telling everyone to keep focused and that we all knew where to meet up at. I placed my head on Daryl's back as many worried thoughts filled my mind. I was worried about my family, worried about the people back home, worried about everyone on this run who was ill-prepared. I glanced back, keeping my head in contact with Daryl, watching as the walkers trailed behind us.


I glanced back behind me, keeping an eye on how close the hoard was to us and trying to get a quick glance at Kat behind me as I felt her lean into me. This run had to be done, but it didn't mean that we were okay with being the ones who almost always seemed to be doing it. "Alright," I heard Sasha over the walkie that I had hooked to my vest, "we're at red, at the bottom of the hill." Before I had a chance to answer, I felt Kat move her hand up and grabbed ahold of the walkie, pressing the button before moving it closer to her. "Hope y'all are ready," she said, "'cause here comes the parade."

I couldn't help but smile as the remark left her mouth. But as the time went on, it felt like hours since the truck had fallen off that cliff and started all of this. Kat would turn around every now and then, my guess checking on the herd behind us, before settling with resting her chin back on my shoulder as her arms laid limply on my lap. "You know," I said loud enough so Kat could hear me over the roaring of the wind and my bike, "this could cause a problem." I felt Kat move to look at me, so I turned my head slightly to look at her, seeing this confused look on her face. I smiled before nodding down towards where her hands were.

I watched as she smiled at me before I looked back ahead of us, only to hear a faint sound. "What's that," Kat asked as I felt her move behind me as if she was turning around, "Daryl!" I looked back in time to see that a good many of the walkers were turning and going off into the woods. "Rick," I said into the walkie as I turned back to face the front. "I'm here," I heard his voice on the other end of the static. "What's going on back there," I said into it and waited for his reply, Kat's arms tightening around me as she waited too. "Half of them broke off," he said, "they're going towards Alexandria. They're headed for home."

My Glenn 😭, my poor Glenn! Bring him back. AMC, bring him back! I can't write this knowing he's gone now!! 😭😭💔
- Kenz

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