Ch. 121 - Trying To Get Away

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Daryl hadn't said much more after pushing me to get moving. But at least he acknowledged that I was pregnant, didn't mean he was okay with it though. We kept to ourselves, staying silent as the three began talking about their plans to pick up someone named Patty and get the hell out of there. Made me wonder what they planned to do with the two of us after. Hell they kept talking like they knew who we were, talking about us kneeling or something. All I could do was give them a look that said what the hell.

I didn't miss when the guy said something about being stupid, then Daryl had to go and push his buttons by asking if he didn't think what they were doing now with the two of us wasn't stupid. I sent a glare towards Daryl as the guy continued to point his gun at me then at Daryl, going back and forth between the two of us. "Look we got somewhere we gotta be," Daryl said as he glanced over at me before looking back at the dude, "we can make you a deal, help you out." "You're one of them," the guy said, "you're hurt, she's pregnant, and you're both alone out here. Either one of you would do or say anything. We should've never trusted your people."

I opened my mouth, made to say something about correcting him, but the sight of Daryl glaring at me caused me to quickly close it and stay silent. The man takes the silence as him being right about us before using the gun and pushing us forwards, telling us to keep going. This time we're the ones leading but we all stop once we reach this small clearing and hear all this moaning and growling. I instantly smell the stench and lift my bound hands in an attempt to cover my nose. My movement doesn't go unnoticed by Daryl, but the other three don't even care to see my discomfort from the smell.


I kept my eyes on Kat, watching her as she struggled with the smell of the rotting walkers. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the other three, talking and seeming to have forgotten about us. Walking over to Kat, I grabbed her arm with my hands, earning a startled look from her. "When I say run," I whisper quickly to her, "you run and do not stop. Do you understand me?" She nodded, not saying a word, as we both looked back to the people who were keeping us hostage. I was waiting for our chance, and we got it when the girl with short hair collapsed to the ground and her companions' attention. "Now," I shouted to Kat as I pushed her towards the trees before I reached for the bag.

The sound of gun shots sounding behind me as I reached the trees earned a shriek from Kat. "Keep moving," I shouted as I quickly caught up to her. I moved in front of her, leading the way but making sure she was keeping up, before I found a fallen tree that had a dip in the ground beside it so that we could hunker down. I quickly pulled off the ropes binding my wrists together before moving to hers. I looked up at her as she started breathing heavily while I made quick work of the ropes. "You okay," I asked once her wrists were free. "Just a little winded," she said as she looked to the bag I had grabbed.

I saw the item she was eyeing, our walkie. Grabbing it, I pressed the button before speaking. "Sasha," I said, "Abraham, you there?" Letting go of the button, I waited to see if we'd hear back from the two. But when no sound came through other than the static, I sat the walkie down and leaned back to try and catch my breath. I watched as Kat sat forwards, grabbing the bag and opening it up to see what was inside. She pulled out my crossbow and handed it over to me before she stilled at what she spotted. Inside, was a cooler that was marked Insulin, must be kept cool.

I'm back y'all! Did y'all miss me? Lol sorry for being gone so long, had a lot of things that needed to be dealt with so k figured I'd wait until after the first of the year to start back posting, so here I am! 😂
- Kenz

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