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Kathryn watched in silent horror as her dad and a few others helped place Maggie on the ground before helping her up to her feet and to where these Saviors wanted them to kneel. She walked over to her sick friend, grabbing her hand before help her to kneel down and taking the spot right next to her. Rick looked from his son to his eldest daughter, trying to come up with some plan, some way to get out of this alive and not lose his children in the process. But he came up blank.

He watched as one man moved a beaten Eugene over to kneel with the others before he finally knelt down himself beside his pregnant daughter. It pained him knowing that she was nearly done with her pregnancy and having to deal with all of this. He looked around at the others, watching as one by one, as everyone finally had their knees on the ground. Rick watched as a couple of the men moved away from him and his group, going over to some vehicle. What he saw next caused his head to shoot over to his daughter beside of him.

Kathryn watched as the doors opened and the men began pulling people out. And the first one pulled out was Daryl. Kathryn let out a shocked gasp and a whimper as she lifted her hands up quickly to cover her mouth. Daryl’s eyes, immediately went over to Kathryn, watching as she shook in fear. He could barely remember the last time he saw her looking this scared. It was back near the beginning, on the farm, when Shane tried and almost succeeded in raping her in that barn after finding out Sophia was dead. He hated seeing her like this, and there was nothing he could do in fear of getting her hurt.

Everyone’s attention turned towards the RV as a single man in a leather jacket with a baseball bat over his shoulder stepped out. “Pissing our pants yet,” he asked, this smug look on his face as he looked at the line of people in front of him. The man looked around at everyone, taunting them as he spoke about how things were going to change. The people from Alexandria were now working for the Saviors, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

“This,” the man said, “this is Lucille. And she is awesome. All of this, all of this is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honor.” Kathryn watched on, slowly gaining her control over her emotions back as Negan walked around, taunting the group even more before he knelt down in front of her little brother. The three Grimes each now had the neutral look on each of their faces, something they all had in common. But when he was done messing with Carl, Negan made his way over towards Kathryn and Maggie, but his attention on Maggie.

“You look shitty,” Negan said as he stared down at her before his attention turned towards Kathryn, “and we got ourselves a very pregnant woman.” Kathryn noticed off to the side as Daryl moved, a natural reflex for him lately after finding out she was pregnant. Quickly and trying to be subtle, Kathryn shook her head now to tell him not to move. Negan didn’t miss this and turned to look at Daryl. “Is he,” Negan started as he looked back to Kathryn, “he’s the father?” She didn’t say anything, just stared up at him with a neutral look on her face. “Well shit,” Negan said with a laugh before he continued on.

He looked back to Maggie, saying he should just put her out of her misery when Glenn charged him, trying to protect his wife. After getting him placed back in line, Negan turned and looked at every one of the people in front of him. “Don’t any of ya do that again,” he said as he looked at them all, “I will shut that shit down, no exceptions. First one’s free, it’s an emotional moment. I get it. Do it again, and there will be consequences.”

Negan looked around, his eyes going from Kathryn to Rick, from Rick to Carl, and from Carl to Kathryn as he slowly put two and two together. “These two,” he said as he pointed his bat from Carl to Kathryn, “they’re your kids aren’t they? They’re definitely your kids.” “Just stop this,” Rick shouted, starting the chain reaction that lead up to Negan starting the age old child’s game of Eenie, meenie, miney, mo. When the bat was in front of Kathryn, she didn’t flinch. Just simply stared up at him, her blue eyes showing no fear, just anger.

When Negan finally finished, he stood there, in front of his chosen victim before looking around at everyone else. “Anybody moves,” he said, “anybody says anything, cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father and sister. And then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you’re all gonna be doing that.” Kathryn watched as Negan lifted the bat way up over his head before bringing it down on his chosen victim with full force. Kathryn wasn’t all that close to Abraham, but he’d been a part of the group for a while since Terminus and had helped out with stuff, even she knew he didn’t deserve that.

But, her pregnancy hormones got the best of her, and Kathryn had always been protective over her family and those in her group. She couldn’t stop herself as she leapt up to her feet, faster that anyone believed a fully pregnant woman could. “You son of a,” but her words stalled for a moment as everyone screamed out while a single bolt flew through the back of her head and was peeking out of her eye, “bitch.” “No,” was Daryl’s shout as he moved to punch Negan square in the jaw. But it hadn’t been Negan who killed Kathryn, it was Dwight.

Daryl’s punch had been something Negan liked, but still his reaction had to be dealt with like he had said before. Getting Daryl back in line, as his eyes moved to look at the now lifeless body of the young pregnant red head, Negan moved over to another victim, and looked to Daryl as he told him that this was all on him. In that next second, Negan brought Lucille down onto Glenn’s head several times before he too was now lifeless on the ground. Once he was done, Negan ordered everyone to pack up and leave as he grabbed Daryl by his arm and hauled him back into the truck from before. He was far from done with the redneck. But everyone else was left with the now 3 lifeless bodies.

Okay this is it guys, last chapter. No one kill me for it. Now, remember when I said I had suggested you check out No Fairytale? There is a very big reason for that 😎
- Kenz

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