Ch. 59 - Rick's Plan

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I stood in the court yard to the prison, looking towards the tower that we nearly always kept a lookout in. It was night, complete darkness surrounded me as I began to make my way towards the tower again. Today had been a long day. Dad, Daryl, and Hershel had gone to have a little chat with the Governor but when they came back everything was tense with Dad and Daryl. I didn't know what was going on, or what had happened, and I didn't get a chance to ask as I was instantly taken back to my cell and made to lay down and rest or risk popping a stitch.

Walking into the tower, I closed the door behind me before climbing the ladder inside. Looking around once I reached the top, I spotted Daryl seated outside on the ledge that looked out towards the woods. Climbing up the rest of the way, I walked over to where he sat. Looking around, I noticed his crossbow leaning against the building behind him but close enough to reach should he need it. "Shouldn't you be resting," his voice sounded into the near silence of the night. "Can't sleep," I said before sitting down beside him.

When I glanced over at him, I noticed he had a cigarette in his hand and was just releasing a puff of smoke into the night air. "I didn't know you smoked," I remarked as I finally got him to look over at me. He glanced to the lit cigarette in hand before looking back to me with a shrug. "Haven't been able to find any until today," he said before placing the cigarette to his lips again. "Makes sense," I mumbled to myself as I looked out to the woods before looking back to him again, "do you know why Dad looked tense when y'all came back today?" "He hasn't said anything," he said as he looked to the woods, "at least not to me. Don't worry, whatever's bothering him he'll work it out."


Rick told me when we came back from meeting with the Governor that we'd have to go back in two days to meet with him again for whatever terms the two had made before. "It's the only way," Rick said after having called a small meeting between him, me, and Hershel to talk about what we were to be doing today, "no one else knows about this." "You gonna tell 'em," I asked looking at him, "your daughter has been worried since we returned. She can sense that you're anxious about something." "Not until after," he said looking away from me, "we have to do it today. It has to be quiet."

When he looked back up at me, I turned my head away from him and looked towards the ground in thought. Kat wouldn't be happen when she finds out what her dad did to try and protect the rest of us, even though he seems to be against the idea to begin with. "You got a plan," I asked finally looking back up at him and waited to see what he'd say. As he began to explain what we'd do to get Michonne alone, I couldn't help but wonder just what his daughter would say when she learns what's to become of Michonne. These past few days, it seems as if she's made a friend in the sword wielding woman.

While Rick decided he was going to go have a chat with my brother about helping us out, I decided to make my way into our cell block and look for Kat. I found her in her cell, sitting on her bed with Hershel seated before her. She had her shirt lifted up enough so that he could check the stitching on her side. "Seems to be healing nicely," I heard Hershel say as I stopped at the door and watched him sit back as she lowered her shirt back down over her side. Almost like she sensed me there, Kat looked over to where I stood the second the shirt was down over her side.

"I'll leave you two to talk," Hershel said and got up, walking out of her cell and leaving it just the two of us, with me standing in the doorway still. "Hershel said my stitches should be able to come out any day now," she said smiling and watching me as I walked into her cell and sat down in the seat that Hershel had been occupying moments before. "That's good," I said trying to pass off a convincing smile. "Your hair's getting longer," she said after a few moments and reached forward to run her fingers through my hair. When she looked back into my eyes, her hand still in my hair, she seemed to notice something was off.

"Daryl what's wrong," she asked, her blue eyes looking back and forth between my own as she slowly lowered her hand from my hair. "It's nothing," I said shaking my head, "I'll be going out with Rick, Michonne, probably Merle too when it's time for your dad to deal with the Governor again." "Y'all be safe out there when you leave," she said with a small smile on her lips as she looked back and forth between my eyes again, "be safe and come back to me when it's over." "Of course," I said nodding, even though it was hurting me that I had to lie to her about why we were leaving with Michonne.

Couldn't think of a good title for this chapter sorry y'all. :( We lost a legend today as well. I'll probably end up watching The Labyrinth later on today. #RIPDavidBowie
- Kenz

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