Ch. 55 - Trouble In Paradise

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I stood up on the upper landing, Beth beside me, as Dad called a meeting of the group the next morning. Daryl was up on the landing as well, leaning on the railing as he peered down at Dad and the others on the ground floor. I made sure to keep Beth between me and Daryl, not wanting to get too close to him right now. I wasn't mad at him, not anymore. He came back, that's all I cared about. But I wanted him to see what it felt like to not have the one you cared most about in this world around anymore.

I too had been leaning on the railing, just watching the others argue over what to do with this new threat, when I was tired of bending over and decided to straighten up. The movement caused my stitches in my side to tug, earning a wince from me which caused me to placed my hand onto my side where the stitches were. This didn't go unnoticed by Daryl, as I noticed he had turned his head towards me slightly. Keeping my attention on the people below, I didn't let him see that I had noticed his worry.

As petty as I was being, if we survived the threat from this man, I'd make amends with Daryl if it wasn't too late. But I knew Daryl well enough by now to know that he'd do whatever he could to get me back. He'd probably do whatever he could to get back on my good side. And I'd let him, but I wouldn't let on that he was forgiven, yet. I'd let him stew a bit longer, but for now I needed to find out what we were going to do about the current threat that was knocking at our door. As I turned my full attention back to the group, I began getting a headache from all the shouting and arguing.


I glanced over at Kat again when I saw her turn and move to her cell. She looked like she'd had enough of the arguing and wanted out of it. I was still worried about her though, after getting shot in the side, it was no wonder that her dad and Glenn were so worried about her. I was too but I couldn't show that to her when she was pushing me away at the moment. And I deserved every bit of it I was getting now. She put her trust in me to be there every time she needed help, and I left her for my stupid brother.

When Rick and the others decided what it was we were doing in regards to the Governor, I walked out of the cell block with Merle trailing behind me. It became apparent to me when we were outside away from the others that Merle had witnessed me watching Kat walk back to her cell. "Trouble in Paradise baby brother," Merle asked and without turning around, I could tell he was smirking. "Fuck off," I grumbled as I continued walking towards the fence. "But isn't that why we came back little brother," he continued to sneer, "to be with the officer's daughter? Wait, don't tell me Officer Friendly in there doesn't know that you got a thing for his teenage daughter."

"Shut up," I said turning around to see his face mirrored that of his voice as he talked. "Hope you're not dumb enough to screw the little red head without her father knowing where you two are in regards of relationship," he said smirking, "wouldn't want him to put a bullet between your eyes because you screwed his daughter." "I said shut up," I glared at him. He never knew when to keep his damn mouth shut before, and now wasn't any different. I didn't let him say another word before I left him standing outside, and made my way inside and to the cell block.


It had since gotten quiet in the cell block, Dad obviously figured out a fight plan for our safety after I went to my cell when my side started hurting. As I lay on my bunk, my arm resting across my stomach and lightly placed my my injured side, when I hear footsteps making their way towards me. Instantly knowing who it is by the sound of their steps, I slowly sit up and have my feet placed on the ground of my cell by the time he walks into view. "Go away Daryl," I said as I turn away from facing him so that I'm staring at the back wall to the cell I'm in. "No," he said.

"I don't want to talk to you right now Daryl," I said as I continued to stare at my back wall. "That's okay just listen then," he said as he didn't move from the entrance to my room, "I screwed up. I admit that. I chose Merle over coming back here with your dad and the others when I knew you were waiting to make sure I made it back safely. I made a promise to keep you safe and to be around when you'd need me, but I broke that promise again. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I hope you will."

I bit my lip, keeping my back to him. He was trying to get his point across to me, thinking I really did hate his guts. And at first I did, when Dad first arrived back here without him. But by the time he'd arrived and my eyes landed on him looking so worried that I'd been shot, again, my resolve broke down and I couldn't stay mad at him no matter how bad I wanted to. "Like I said Kathryn," he mumbled out, "I don't expect you to forgive me but I'd like you to think about it at least." He left after that, leaving me to my thoughts.

A little late in the afternoon but I managed to update like I said I would try to do :)
- Kenz

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