Ch. 78 - Finding the Others

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I glared at Carol's retreating figure as she turned and began walking away from me. I glanced back down towards Terminus as it burned and walkers invaded it. I wanted to know what the hell it was with everyone and telling me to stay put and to stay out of danger. Didn't anyone know me well enough by now? I get why Dad wanted me to stay back. The realization hit me after they'd gone into Terminus without me. But I couldn't understand why Carol wanted me to stay back. I groaned out in frustration before standing to where I could watched Terminus better, just watching for any sign that my family was going to get out of there safely.

I watched and waited, hoping to see familiar faces escape from that place before I heard a twig snap behind me. Quickly turning around, knife in hand, I watched as Carol appeared out from between the trees. "C'mon," she said waving me to follow her. As I fell into step behind her, I noticed she'd ditched the blood covered tarp she'd been wearing before and her face was somewhat cleaned of the mud that'd had originally been on her face. Looking around as we walked, I realized we would need to head back to where Dad buried the extra weapons. "Carol," I said causing her to stop, "I know where to meet up with Dad. Follow me."


I was arguing with the others, about if we should go back and finish off Terminus so they couldn't hurt and fool anyone else, when a twig snapping caught not only mine but also Daryl's attention as well. My head snapped up as Daryl quickly turned around before two people side by side came closer into view. There stood, side by side, were Carol and my Kathryn. "You're okay," Kathryn all but seemed to cry before she ran straight for Daryl as he ran towards her. I watched as when they collided she jumped into his arms, her legs wrapping themselves around his waist as she held on tightly. I glanced around at everyone else as they took in the scene before them, knowing not many knew about the two together.


I slowly let Kathryn's feet touch the ground again. Pulling my head back to look at her, I lifted my arms up and placed my hands on each side of her face before slowly resting my forehead against her own. "I'm so glad we left you outside the gate," I whispered as I peered into her blue eyes, "don't know what me, your dad, or Carl woulda done had something happened to you." "I know," she whispered back, "I heard the shots shortly after y'all had entered Terminus. Then after that is when I found Carol." Mentioning Carol, we both turned to look at her as Rick walked closer.

"Did you do that," Rick asked as he looked to Carol. I looked back to Kat beside me and watched as she walked away from me and hugged Carl tightly. As she pulled away from him, she hugged both Glenn and Maggie at the same time, their heads resting on each of her shoulders. I looked back to Rick in time to see him and Carol hugging. When they pulled away, Kathryn had turned around already and was heading straight for her Dad. "Hey Daddy," she whispered before he hugged her tightly. Pulling away but keeping his arm around her shoulders, he looked around at each of us. "You have to come with me," Carol said as Rick and Kat turned to him, "you, Carl, and Kathryn."


As we began walking, Maggie and Glenn came up beside me. "That was more than just a friendly hug," Maggie said smirking down at me. I merely blushed and looked away, managing to glance over to where Daryl was walking a few paces away from me. "I take it your dad knows," Glenn said as he snapped my attention away from Daryl, "otherwise I don't think either of you would have done such a thing with you own dad watching." "He figured it out," I said glancing to the two before moving up to walk beside Daryl. "Getting interrogated," he asked, the ever present smirk on his face.

I elbowed him for that remark before I turned back to find a shack in front of us. Confused, I glanced to Carol ahead of us for a moment before looking back at the sound of the door closing. There, walking out of the shack, was Tyresse holding my baby sister. I heard Dad and Carl dropping what they had in their hands before the three of us took off running. Dad reached them first, taking Judy in his arms before kneeling down just as Carl and me reached him. I could feel the tears slowly sliding down my face as I kneeled down next to him, placing my hand on the her little back as Carl placed his on her small head.

I leaned forward, placing a small kiss on the side of her head before moving my hand and wrapping both my arms around my dad and little brother. "What's left of our family is back together," I whispered, looking to Dad and then Carl before looking to little Judith in their arms. As I watched my small family, I leaned my head against Dad's shoulder before my eyes glanced to Daryl. He was standing there, watching not only my little family reunion, but also Sasha's and Tyresse's too. I smiled when his eyes met with mine, whether he liked it or not, he was part of my family too.

OMG I'm so sorry! I had every intention to update yesterday after making y'all wait an extra week since it took me forever to figure out this chapter. Doesn't help I've been sick since the day we got back from vacation. Again I'm sorry y'all and here is the update, late but you still got it.
- Kenz

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