Ch. 99 - First Impression

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We had followed Aaron further inside after they'd closed the gates, headed to this woman named Deanna so that we could talk to her. When we came to the first house here, we all waited outside while Dad went in first. When I glanced over towards a window to this house after I'd sat down next to Daryl with Judy in my arms, I noticed an older looking woman standing there looking right at me. Furrowing my brows, I watched as she stood there and stared a moment longer before turning and walking away from the window.

"What's wrong," Daryl asked, catching my attention and obviously noticing that my mind was elsewhere. "Nothing," I said shaking my head and looking at him with a smile. He gave me a look that said he didn't belive me but didn't push the subject further. I smiled down at my little sister as she smiled at me in my arms. I felt someone draw closer and when I looked over my shoulder, Daryl was leaning towards us and smiling down at Judy as he reached forwards to her to tickle her.

As Daryl tickled her while she was in my arms, I heard movement from behind us. "Kathryn," came my dad's voice, "your turn." "Okay," I said smiling up at him before standing with Judith in my arms. I walked past him as he smiled down at Judith as we passed, before walking on inside and finding Deanna in what I guess was her study. "I'm Deanna Monroe," she said giving me a smile. "Kathryn Grimes," I replied with a polite nod. "Do you mind if I film this," she asked before stepping behind a video camera that I hadn't noticed before.

"I guess not," I said with a shrug. She nodded before pressing a button on the camera and walking around to have a seat on a couch. Following suit, I sat down in the chair that was positioned directly in front of the camera. "She's a beautiful baby," Deanna said after a few moments. "Thank you," I said with a smile as I looked down at her. "I've noticed in the few moments that you've been in these gates that you're closer to one person in your group than anyone else," she said causing my head to snap up, "are you and him together in some way?"

"No," I said shaking my head, "I've been in the group with him since the beginning of all this. When you've been around someone that long, you tend to get close." She gave me a skeptical look before looking to Judy in my arms again. "She yours," she asked before lifting her eyes back to look at me. "Is that what you think of me," I asked as I felt my jaw damn near hit the floor, "this interview is over." I didn't wait for her to turn the camera off before I was on my feet and storming out of the study.


I could hear Judith's cries come closer before a furious looking Kat came out of the front door. Rick went over, taking his infant daughter from Kat's hands before attempting to ask what was wrong. When she didn't answer and only continued to storm on by, I gave Rick a nod when he looked to me. Standing to my feet, I watched as she ran off before I started walking after her to see if maybe I could find out what was bothering her.

I lost sight of her as she ran around the corner to the house. When I rounded the corner, she was just gone. I paused in my step, listening for any signs of life before I heard an angry groan reached my ears. Heading in the direction of the sound, I found Kat sitting next to the fence with her head in her hands. As I walked up to her, I didn't say anything, just made myself comfortable and sat down next to her and waited.

"Do I seem like the kind of girl who just spreads my legs for any man and possibly end up with a child from the action," she asked after a moment or two as she finally raised her head and looked over at me, "is that what people see in me?" "What are you talking about," I asked, giving her a confused look. "That Deanna in there asked me if there was something between me and you," she said with a sigh, "then she went and asked if Judy was mine." "What'd you tell her," I asked watching her.

"Well it's none of her business right now as to if there's something between us," she said looking up at me, "when the time comes then sure she can find out. But I saw that look she gave me earlier before my interview, I don't think she'd be too pleased to hear." "Fuck her," I said looking down at her, "let her think what she wants. Didn't we already go through something like this before with your family?" "Speaking of family," she said with a sheepish look, "I haven't exactly told Aaron yet. Haven't figured out how to, but I will! Oh and I'm staying with him and Eric tonight."

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