Ch. 91 - The Proposal

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I gave Beth a pointed look before I looked down at the needle still stuck in my arm. I didn't care if it was important for it to still be there, I wanted it gone. Without me really having to say a word, she quickly understood what the look was for and moved to remove the needle. Once it was gone, I quickly lifted my arms up and hugged her tightly, so happy to see her. "How did you end up here," she asked looking at me as I pulled away from the hug. She kept my hand in her good one, squeezing it and causing me to squeeze back.

"Me and Daryl were looking for you," I said looking at her, "we were with everyone else that had survived since the prison." "Everyone," she asked hopeful. "Your sister," I said smiling as her smile grew, "Glenn, Dad, Carl, Tyreese, Sasha, Bob, Carol, Daryl, Judy, and Michonne. Me and Daryl had taken a walk from everyone after we'd all just got out of a bad predicament and Daryl spotted a car like the one he'd seen that had took you." "Where is Daryl," Beth asked after a second.

"I don't know to be honest," I said with a sad sigh, "I ran ahead of him and a boy, Noah?" "You found Noah," Beth asked excitedly. "Yeah," I said nodding, "it was him who confirmed that you were here. I can only hope Daryl and Noah got back to the group to get help." "I'm sure they did," Beth said with a smile, "Daryl would do anything if it was dealing with you." "Don't sell yourself short Beth," I said smiling, "he'd do anything for anyone in this group. Look how long he's been looking for you." "If you say so," she said before looking away.

Beth left shortly after the conversation, leaving me to my thoughts and hopes. I couldn't really get out of bed, my leg hurt like a bitch. But I was grateful that it wasn't broken, it'd probably become a problem if it had been, especially with the world now. Looking around the room, I took in the machines that were sat beside me, silent. They must have had them hooked up to me before I woke up. I wasn't really sure of how much time had passed while I was unconscious here, but I figured Daryl and Noah should be getting close with help, if they made it back to the church anyway.


I stood at the top of a parking garage back in Atlanta, waiting for the people we were supposed to meet when I heard over the radio that they were coming. I stood there watching, as an Atlanta police car pulled up in front of me with two men in side. "Officer Franco," I said holding my hands up once it'd stopped and they climbed out with their guns aimed at me, "Officer McGinley. I'm Rick Grimes. I was a deputy in the King County Sheriff's Department. I'm here to make a proposal."

"Lay your weapon on the ground," one said after he looked to his partner. "Alright," I said before slowly taking my Python out and laying it on the ground. Once it was down, I stood back up before turning to show that I wasn't hiding any other weapons from them. "What's your proposal," the other one asked when they were satisfied that I wasn't hiding anything from them. "You have two of my people and I have two of yours," I said after lowering my hands, "we want to make an exchange. Then we'll be on our way. No one gets hurt."

"Who," they asked, watching me. "Officers Shephard," I said, "and Licari for Beth and Kathryn." I watched as they both gave me a confused look before I decided to continue. "You picked up a girl yesterday," I said, "a red head that your people hit with a car." One looked to his partner before he spoke up. "Noah," he said seeming to figure something out, "he's with you? That's how you know?" "Yes he is," I said with a nod. "What about Officer Lamson," he asked. "He was attacked by the dead before we got to him," I said looking at both men in front of me.

I looked behind them to see a walker slowly making it's way towards us before the one to my right spoke up again. "Where are your people," he asked, I guess having finally realized I appeared to be alone. Just before I could answer, Sasha fired and hit the walker in the head from the vantage point they had, causing the two before me to jump and start to look around panicked. "They're around," I said as if nothing had happened just now, "radio your lieutenant. I'll wait."


I hadn't been left alone long in that room before Beth came back in with someone else who was staying in this hospital. She looked at me with a faint smile. She was dressed in regular clothes unlike the scrubs I'd seen her in when I first woke up in this room. She stepped aside and allowed the man dressed like a doctor to walk over to me and help me into the wheel chair he brought into the room. Once I was seated, he pushed me out of the room before allowing Beth to take over, pushing me down the hallways towards a group of people dressed as cops.

Confused, I looked up to Beth as we came to a stop behind the group. She kept her eyes ahead of us so I just decided to look back ahead in time to see the cops before us holster their guns. The woman directly in the center and front of us spoke into her radio, telling whoever was on the other side of the doors to holster their own weapons. After a few minutes, the doors opened and four other officers walked in. But what had my attention was the people behind them, our people.

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