Ch. 112 - All Goes to Hell

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So much has happened within the following week. Dad seemed to go crazy, talking about Pete hiting his wife and maybe the youngest family member, Sam. I went out walking one day, on my day away from the school, only to find Dad pointing a gun at people with Pete down on the ground. I didn't miss the fact that Michonne had to be the one to knock him out before he hurt someone else. He's just been locked in a house that was made into a make-shift jail since then and only just now getting released from it.

The day was going by fast, word went around yesterday that there was going to be a sort of town meeting to discuss what they should do with Dad. I was scared that they were going to kick him out. If they did, would that mean they'd kick us out too? I was standing in the house that Maggie and Glenn were staying in when these thoughts were going through my mind, and Maggie just happened to be in the same room as me to notice my reaction to everything.

She quickly made her way over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "It's okay Kathryn," she said, "we're going to try and convince Deanna not to kick him out. We're all going to do it. Just like before, he has a right to a fair trail by his peers." "They already don't like him," I whispered back, "they'll work hard to get him out of here. And Pete seems to be on the war path now." "It'll be okay," she said before pulling back to look at me. I nodded before I walked out to go get ready for the meeting.

We had told Carl to stay at the house with Judy, we didn't want him there in case they did exile Dad, as Deanna likes to call it. I was walking with Maggie and Glenn, making our way to where the meeting was being held, but I couldn't keep from looking towards the direction of the gate. "Their not back yet," I said as I looked away and looked to my two friends, "they should've been back by now. Don't you think?" "They probably just got held up," Glenn said as he moved so that I was walking between the two before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "they'll be back soon."

"He's right," Maggie said grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze, "Daryl can take care of himself out there and he won't let anything happen to Aaron. You don't have to worry." "But I can't help it," I said smiling at them both, "they're my family. All of you are." "C'mon let's worry about this meeting for now then we can worry about Daryl and Aaron," Glenn said before placing a kiss to my temple. "Should I be jealous of this show of affection," Maggie asked as she gave the two of us a playful glare.

I merely rolled my eyes before removing Glenn's arm from around my shoulders and pushing him towards Maggie. "He's all yours Maggie," I said laughing, "I've already got my eyes on one person." "Yeah," Glenn said laughing, "and look where that's got you." "Jerk," I said as I playfully glared at him. He laughed harder before running from me when I went to chase him. I watched as something caught his eye before he looked to us. "I'll catch up," he said before running off, leaving it to be me and Maggie to go to the meeting without him.


I sat with Kathryn on my right, as we waited for the meeting to begin. We thought we were ready for everything. For what ever those against us here would have to say about Rick, and possibly us too. But we weren't prepared for when Rick walked up, bloody, with a dead walker on his shoulders. And we weren't prepared for Pete to show up with Michonne's sword in hand. It was chaos, as Pete and Reg fought. It all happened so fast, one minute they were both standing with the sword between them and the next, Reg was on the ground gurgling as blood poored from the slash in his throat.

I watched Abraham run up to Pete, pinning him down to the floor as Rick watched everything that was happening. I couldn't help but glance over at Kathryn as she watched in silence. There was no sign of fear on her face, she just had a blank stare that mirrored her father's. I glanced back to the commotion in time to see Deanna tell Rick to do it. In that next second, Rick pulled out his gun and shot Pete in the head, silencing his shouts. Silence settled over everyone, the only sound being Reg slowly dying, before we heard another voice call out.

"Rick," the voice said, the questioning tone clear as everyone turned their attention to the new comer. "Daryl," I heard Kathryn call out as she quickly made her way to him as he stood in the doorway with Aaron and someone else. I watched as she greeted Daryl first, before turning to her cousin and welcoming him in a hug as well. She turned back to Daryl in time for him to place both of his hands on her cheeks. I couldn't hear what he asked, but I could see her nod. Looking around again, I realized Glenn never showed up, so I made my way out of there in search of him to tell him what happened.

Sorry it's getting posted a little late in the day. I blame my bestie lol. She got me hooked on Doctor Who earlier this week and I've been a little distracted by it. Anyone else watch it? Anyway I was looking through some comments the other day and I got to the chapter (I believe) where Michonne first arrived and someone commented "Richonne" and I realized something... I have no clue how I'm gonna have Kathryn react to finding out about them two. Someone else commented on like one of the first chapters that Kathryn didn't like Lori cause she was trying to replace her mother, so now I'm not sure how Kathryn's gonna react to Michonne and Rick. Suggestions? I could really use them.
- Kenz

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