Ch. 114 - Rick's Way

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I sat with Tara, talking to her about everything that'd happen since she'd been unconscious after getting back from that run. She was heart broken when she learned that Noah didn't make it, honestly we all were. But when I was getting ready to leave after spending most of the day with her, talking mainly, Dad walked in looking for me. "Kathryn we've got a problem," he said peering in through the door, "we're gathering every able body in Deanna's house." "What's wrong," I asked looking at him confused. "I'll explain it when we get there," was all he said. Nodding, I said goodbye to Tara before following him out.

We sat in a meeting, I sat next to Daryl with the rest of the original group near by while Dad stood somewhat in the center of the room and he talked. He was right when he said we had a problem. A walker herd of the size he mentioned, if it came this way, it'd distroy this place. "Daryl," I whispered, looking over to him. He didn't reply, just simply looked over at me before looking back at whoever was talking. "What Dad's saying," I said, "we haven't seen a herd that size in a while. And it almost seems like everytime we find a place, we see one giant herd."

"I know," was his only reply before I turned my attention back to the meeting. "Now what I'm proposing," Dad said as I tuned back in to the conversation at hand, "I know it sounds risky, but walkers are already slipping through the exits. One of the trucks keeping the walkers in, could go off the edge any day now. Maybe after one more hard rain. That exit sends them east, all of them, right at us." I looked around at all of the faces of the people in the rooms. They weren't ready for this, none of them. They hadn't been out there like we had, they weren't prepared for something like this  to happen.

"Dad's right," I said standing up and gaining everyones attention, "this isn't about if it gives but when." "It's going to happen," Dad said with a nod as I slowly sat back down next to Daryl, "that's why we have to do this soon." I watched as Carol played her I'm a helpless woman card before another man spoke up. "Couldn't we just build up the weak spots," he asked. "Are you not listening," I asked looking at him like he was stupid, "our group, my family and friends from the start of this, we've seen what a herd that size can do. This place won't survive that herd."


"And even if we could," Rick said as he nodded to his daughter beside me, "the sound would only draw in more of them." "We're going to do what Rick said," Deanna said after a few minutes, "the plan he's laid out." I watched, as silence settled over the room upon hearing what she said. That was the first time she'd spoken up since the meeting started. "I told you all," Rick started back up again as he looked back at me and Kat, "we're going to have Daryl and Kathryn leading them away." I moved to get comfortable in my spot against the window, leaning to the side with a foot propped up as Kat moved to lay back against me.

I happened to glance over towards her cousin, catching his eyes on the two of us as we got comfortable. I looked back to the the others when I heard Sasha speaking. "Me too," she said, "I'll take a car, ride next to them. It can't just be them with one vehicle." "I'll go with her," Abraham said with a slight nod, "it's a long ride regardless. No need to ride it solo in the car." "Alright," Rick said with a nod, "we'll have two teams. One on each side of the forest to help manage this thing. We're going to have a few people on watch from now on. Rosita, Spencer, and Holly. So they're out, so who's in?"

It sat silent for a moment before someone spoke up. "Me," Michonne said with a nod to Rick as he returned to the gesture. I watched Maggie and Glenn discussing something over there between the two of them before they agreed on something. "I'm in," Glenn said looking up at Rick who stood in front of him. "I'd like to help as well," Gabrial said. "No who else," Rick said with a quick dismissal of the request, "we need more." "There's gotta be another play," that same man said again as he looked around the room. "Are you that damn dense," Kat said as she stood to her feet and moved to stand next to her father, "I'll dumb it down for you then. Those walkers get out, you all die, end of story. There's no way to protect yourself if they reach these walls."

"Walkers herd up," Rick said as he placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder, "they follow a path. We just need to lead the way." "So we're just supposed to take your word for it," the guy said, "we're all supposed to just fall in line behind you after what you've done?" I stood up then, grabbing Kat's arm and pulling her back towards me. I could see the way she was tensing up, like she was ready to jump on the guy and beat the shit out of him, and I wouldn't put it past her to do. "After what," Kat said glaring at the guy.

"After he waves a gun around," he said, "screaming, pointing it at people. After you shoot a man in the face." "That man wasn't a man," Kat said as she tugged against my hand while trying to get free, "he was beating his wife. He killed Reg." "Enough," Deanna shouted, silencing the argument between Kat and the guy. After a moment, we watched as more people who've been here in Alexandria agreed to help. One by one, we finally got the number of people we needed to do what we had to do to protect this place. "We'll make this place work," Rick said after a while, "we'll keep this place safe. Keep our families safe." "The plan," that same guy from before spoke up, "go over it again." "He just said it," I said looking at him. "If we're really doing this," he said, "then go over it again. Every last detail."

I survived hurricane Mathew! Woo! Lol sorry I have issues. Anyway, not gonna lie, I did almost forget to work on this because for the whole week since Saturday, I've been helping my cousin because she's getting married this weekend and she can't do much. But I got it done so yay lol.

On another note, I made a little like trailer video for a story I wanna work on eventually. Don't hate on it cause it's crap, it was my first time making one lol. But tell me if y'all would read it okay.

It's called Alyce.
- Kenz

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