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She called Raj because she couldn't take it anymore. And as soon as he picked up the call she spoke "Dad..I can't take it anymore. I want to come back."

"What happened Princess." Her tone made Raj extremely worried. "Is everything okay. Did that moron husband of yours did anything wrong again. Are you fine.."

"How can I be fine Dad when I am unable to remember anything about my previous life. I only know stuff. My heart knows the feeling but my brain simply doesn't remember anything. How can I be fine that even after being weeks in the company of my husband and only son I still don't remember anything. Fortunately my heart remembers every emotion but my mind is too busy in sleeping mode and that's not okay with me anymore." Her words worried him more.

"Princess you need to calm down. You cannot and shouldn't put pressure on your brain. Just relax. You have been through a lot and by pressurizing your brain you will only make things worse." Raj tried to calm her down but unfortunately it wasn't enough. "I can't do this Dad. I want to remember everything. I am so close to my family but dammit my mind doesn't remember anything." Her tone raised.

"Nandini calm down beta.." Raj was on his toes now. "What do you want me to do. Tell me.."

"I want you and Maa here Dad before I go completely crazy. I can't and don't want to leave my son alone at all because he needs his mother but I want my father and mother around as well because I need them with me here. So get on that private plane of yours and come here to your Princess who is loosing grip over her health and emotions without her parents around." Nandini demanded.

And the next moment she smiled as Raj replied "Me and Nyonika will be there by tomorrow evening. Till then just relax and try to get a grip over your emotions. Okay."

Nandini smiled. "Come soon Dad. Your Princess is waiting."

"We will see you tomorrow Princess. Just relax till then okay. And take care of yourself because only than you will be able to take care of your son. I will talk to you in couple of hours before I get into the plane with your Mother okay." Raj's words only made her smile more. "I will be waiting Dad."

"See you soon Princess."

The call ended.

She smiled because just as expected her plan worked.

"Your son needs you to Dad. And I know how much you miss him too. I know what I did was wrong but I can't see that two of the most important men in my life are in so much pain because they miss each other but they won't reconcile even then because both are stubborn and adamant that the other one has to be the one to initiate the first step. Well I was the reason why all this mess happened between you two. And it's only fair if I fix it. So this is me doing the very same thing. I hope one day you both will forgive me for lying to both of you."

She smiled to herself as she kept her cell phone away. Getting up she opened the cupboard door and simply took out her chosen attire from the evening.

That's when her phone rang again. But this time her facial expression changed instantly and the warmth of her eyes were replaced by strong hatred in a matter of few fraction of second.

Taking few seconds and calming herself down she picked up the call "Hey bestie. What's up."

"You tell me that." Even his voice was unbearable for her to tolerate but she continued to pretend anyway. "..Why what happened."

"When will you return back Nandini. I am in deep mess and need my best friend the most at the moment but she is too busy for me I guess." She so wanted to snap at him but using her years of expertise she simply replied "I am stuck here myself RV. My passport is confiscated because of which I am staying here otherwise I would have come long back. Don't you know.." she gritted her teeth as she fumed internally speaking the words "..how much I miss you."

"I miss you too." She was too disgusted to even react to his reply so waited patiently to get over with it. "Even I am stuck here with some family issue or else I would have come there myself and bring you back."

"And my husband would have burnt you alive right in front of my eyes. How satisfying that moment would have been." She thought to herself. But of course spoke out a different answer altogether...rather a question to which she already had answer to "What happened to your family."

"Nothing much." She smirked to herself as she heard his lies only to add. "Are you sure."

"Yes..as long as I am here nothing can harm my family." His words brought her anger right back. "Yes..I am sure of that." She spoke those words while mentally she promised to herself "I will make sure that you suffered more than your family. I promise you that too."

"You take care of yourself okay RV. I will speak to you later as Dad is calling me at the moment." She used her ultimate excuse and like gazallion times before it worked wonder this time as well. "Sure. You take care of yourself too. Bye."

"Bye." She so wanted to punch something badly as the call ended but just then she heard the voice that instantly soothe out her irritation and mellowed her anger in a second. "Nandini.."

Manik walked in carrying two pieces of suits in either of his hand "..I need your suggestion yaar..which one should I wear.." but before he could finish his words his mouth was mauled by her.

Both the suits dropped off his hand as it joined Nandini's attire that she just took out from the cupboard on the floor as his hands were on Nandini's waist while her arms were snaked against his neck as she kissed the living daylight out of him.

He was surprised for a split second but then responded to her attack with equal fervour.

They were having second thoughts when they heard their friends arguing downstairs and knew their time was up for the moment. They pulled away unwillingly from each other only to kiss each other gently one last time before resting their forehead against each other in order to catch their breath.

"Pick anyone that's on your right side just like I picked up something randomly. Because as it is these clothes won't be on us for the rest of the night so what's the use of putting so much of brain into picking it up."
She smiled as she bend down and quickly picked her attire and left him alone in the room in dazed condition with her last words being "..get dressed quickly. The quick we get over with this mess the faster we will be together. Don't take too long Mr Malhotra as I have waited long enough just like you."

Any guess what might happen next 😉

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