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"..here you go.."Aryaman extended the file in front of her. "..this file have all the designs that you asked for.."

"Thank you.."Nandini smiled as she took the file. "..actually it's very impressive..I didn't expect that you will arrange these so soon..Raj Sir was right..you are pretty good at what you do.."

Aryaman smiled at Nandini's compliment "..well you are not bad yourself as well..I have to say I wasn't expecting this version of you.."

"This Version.."Nandini caught the word too easily. "..what other version of mine were you expecting Mr.Aryaman Khurrana..will you please enlighten me.."

"Your "Jhansi Ki Rani" wala version.."the moment Aryaman said the word our loud her expressions instantly changed. "Well in that case you should pray to god that let no situations occur in which you have to witness my "Jhansi Ki Rani" wala avatar..because trust me when I say this..not every one has the capability or daringness to face or handle my that "version"..Mr.Aryaman.."

"So you think I won't be able to handle it.."Aryaman faked a hurt expression. "..Oh Miss Murthy..you broke my heart..God I am so hurt.."

Nandini grinned. "I didn't knew that you had this version within you as well.. "Dramebaz Aryaman"..that's actually quite cute...and to be honest..I really like your personality as a whole that's why I will pray to my Aiyappa that you never had to witness my "Jhansi Ki Rani" wala roop..not everyone is daring enough to face it Mr.Khurana.."

"So you mean.."Aryaman narrowed his eyes. "..to say that Manik Malhotra is not only daring but also had the credibility to face and handle your other version..in other word..he is strong enough for your anger.."

"Manik Malhotra is nothing more than egotistical self obsessed moron who can't see anything beyond himself.."Nandini declared. "..and honestly I don't have time or patience to deal with such kind of idiotic moron who can't see anything beyond themselves.."

"He isn't that bad.."Aryaman defended Manik as a reflex action. "..he might be egotistical but he isn't heartless.."

Nandini snorted. "So finally your Manik love spoke all over again..Haan..I thought you broke up with him.."Aryaman head snapped up at her words so Nandini made a deliberate correction "..I mean..you two broke up as a friend.."

"How do you.."before Aryaman could finish Nandini answered his half finished question "..the way you avoided talking about Manik two days back when we first met..and the way you defended him now..it's says all.."

Aryaman was stumped when she continued "..two days ago when you and your family came to meet my Amms for our supposed "matrimony"..I could clearly see in your eyes that you were excited to meet me..not because I was the girl "supposedly" chosen for you..but because you wanted to meet the girl who tackles your best friend not once but twice..in a span of two days..and got away being alive.."

"..I immediately recognised Alia when she came along with you family..but instead of having hatred or annoyance in her eyes all I can see was awe and excitement...that clearly showed that she was happy to see me once again.."

"..though I won't lie I was little taken aback by her behaviour..but once I started talking to her..I could clearly see that she was actually happy to meet me again..this time properly."

"..and when you and I were sent to have our "separate talk" it became quite clear that I have been the main topic of discussion between you and your friend circle.."

"Though your parents knew my Amms for so long but this sudden proposal of matrimony was one of the outcome of my "most adventurous encounter" with your best friend.."

"Every one wanted to know about the girl who tackled Mr.Manik Malhotra twice and still stayed alive to see the next daylight..of course I was the trending topic among you all.."

"..though once your parents realised who my grandmother was..they instantly picked up liking for me..and got my background checked..and once they were satisfied..they proposed this matrimony.."

Aryaman who was silence till now as he couldn't believe that Nandini had all the correct information about everything that had taken place since the restaurant fiasco finally broke his silence to point out an important fact. "..which you rejected almost instantly.."

"Correction Mr.Aryaman.."Nandini corrected him. "I didn't rejected you..I said we need time as important decisions like this can't be made  in just few minutes..there is a difference.."

"..so that's why you accepted Raj uncle's proposal and chose to come here.."Aryaman tried not to sound too hopeful but unfortunately all his efforts went in vain which was clearly evident as his words made Nandini smile "..that's one of the reasons.."

Though Aryaman's heart fluttered for a moment but this time he succeeded in keeping a poker face as he asked "..so what's the main reason for your involvement Ms.Murthy.."

"Let's just say I am here on a secret mission..which I can't disclose to anyone..not even you..if I would tell you then I have to kill you..that's why please don't ask me what it is..because whether you believe it or not..but I genuinely like you and I don't want to end up murdering you with my own hands.."Nandini warned in hush whisper that only widened Aryaman's smile.

"You like me..even after knowing that Mr.Manik Malhotra is my best friend..though we are not on talking terms as of now..but still..you like me.."Aryaman questioned her to which she replied. "..this is the exact reason why I like you..that even after being besties with that jerk you are different in every way possible.."

"..though you are not on talking terms with him but still you can't stop yourself from defending him..I don't know about Manik..but in my eyes you are the bestest friend that he could possibly get.."

Aryaman was about to say something but out of nowhere Nandini stood up and gestured him to be silent by placing her fingers on her lips for a second. Aryaman immediately became quite while Nandini continued to talk as tip toing she begin to walk toward the cabin door. "..though I don't think Mr.Manik Malhotra realised this..as I simply believe he has no brain at all..and not only that..according to my beliefs he is suffering from Amnesia as well.."

She placed her hand on the knob of the door "..that's why he kept on forgetting that this is Malhotra Industries..which is owned by him..so he has all the right to enter any where in this entire property..and doesn't need to become a eavesdropper.." she pulled the knob and pull the door with certain force and so sudden that not only made Aryaman jumped on his seat..

..but also made Manik land on the floor of conference room as she finished her sentence "..like this.."

"So..We meet Again Mr.Malhotra.."She looked thoroughly pleased while she asked  Manik who was too stumped too react as he was still on the floor "How are you this morning.."


**Nandini Female Sher..💪🏻💪🏻

Manik bichara dher 🤣🤣🤣


..Any ideas why Raj appointed Nandini.🤔🤔**

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