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Sweat was covered on her entire face as she woke up with a fast paced beating heart and a dry throat. Her breathing was erratic and she had no idea why she saw what she knows she saw in her dream.

Manik with a woman.

She closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands and once again parts of her dreams flashes in front of her eyes again.

"Open your eyes...Open your eyes and look at me love...please...please...please.."

"Drive fast...please...drive fast..."

"Stay with me love...we will be there soon..stay with me baby.."

"You promised me a lifetime of bickering and fight with loads of love...you have to fulfil that...you can't leave me...you can't.."

"You said you had a surprise for me...so you have to stay conscious for that also..."

"Stay with me baby...stay with me.."

Though she couldn't see anyone else but she knew it was a woman. She opened her eyes but his words were still ringing loud in her mind.

She could clearly hear the pain, longing, helplessness in his voice. How desperate he was to protect her. Sometimes it sounded like he was ordering her to stay awake and sometimes he begged her not to leave him.

Her heart was filled with excruciating pain hearing his voice as if she could clearly see what his face must have look like in this situation.

Man she would never want to witness that situation in her life where she would see him in such a condition.

Tears were brimming from her eyes as she was experiencing a gut wrenching pain in her soul.

She knew she just woke up from dream but why her heart was not ready to believe that it was another random dream. Why was she feeling as everything that she just witnessed had happened for real.

The pain in her heart was becoming unbearable even when she had woken up from the dream.

She looked around as she tried to calm herself down. Aarav was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

But still her heart was not able to get rid of the pain that was inflicted on her due to those images in that dream.

She got down from the bed and silently but quickly left the room as she was finding it extremely hard to control the dam of tears that was on the edge of bursting.

She didn't knew where her feet took her but soon she reached the left wing of the Malhotra Mansion that had a mini terrace attached to it. Sliding the glass door open she ran towards the glass railing stopping just a feet away from it.

And the next moment her feet gave in and she slumped on the ground and she lost control only to ended up crying her heart out.

She had no idea why she was acting like this.

She had no clue why she was feeling like this.

She didn't knew who the woman was and what she meant for Manik.

She knew it was just a random dream...a mere figment of her imagination.

But somehow all these things were still not able to stop her from experiencing the soul torturing pain that she felt..

..for Manik.


He was the reason why she was feeling like this.

His words, his desperation, his longing, his helplessness everything was giving her nightmares.

He had nothing but created utter trouble for her from the moment she met him but somehow this nightmare made her realise that she could never see him in this condition.

Again she had no idea as to why was she feeling like this. All she knew that she want to see him happy and content and not broken or torned apart.

She was crying and crying but it seemed there was no stopping to her pain.

She would have continued to cried for hours if she hadn't heard the worried words of the same person because of whom she was in such condition "What are you doing here at this hour Nandini."

She turned to look at him instantly that only made his face turned pale with fear and apprehension. "Why are you crying. What happened. Are you okay. Did something happened.."

However before he could finished something happened that literally left Manik in a state of utter shock and made him speechless for couple of moments as he lost his ability to reason and form more sensible questions in his mind.

Because the moment Nandini saw Manik without even realizing what she was doing or what she should have done she simply got back on her feet only to run towards him and ended up hugging him.

Her hands were around his waist and her face was against his chest. She held on to him so closely and tightly that she could hear his heartbeat and he could hear hers.

Manik was in a state of shock for couple of moment as he couldn't believe that this was happening for real.

He was sleeping in the living area as he wanted to stay close to Aarav's room. But the moment he heard footsteps his eyes were wide open. He saw her running towards the second storey terrace-- which was her favorite place in the entire Malhotra Mansion. (Nyonika and Raj especially got that area built for her as they knew how much she loved the view from there.)

He followed her only to find her on the ground. He didn't wanted to startled her so he silently went near but still keeping several feet distance between them.

She instantly looked back at him as soon as she heard his voice. Her face was ashen and eyes were swollen which clearly meant she was crying for quite sometime now.

He was worried about her so that's why he begin to question her but before he could finish she got back on her feet only to run towards him engulfing him in her warm embrace that he had missed for five damn years.

He was still in state of shock as he was not sure whether he was dreaming or was this for real. Because from past five years all he ever dreamt was to have her securely in his embrace.

So he wasn't sure whether this was for real or not.

But fortunately his mind and senses kicked in time as he raised both his hands and ended up keeping it on her back. When she didn't disappeared (rather she hugged her even more tightly) that's when he realised that it was indeed true.

Tears rolled from his eyes as well as his breathing became heavy as he finally hugged her back by pulling her closer and engulfing her completely in his right embrace.

Though he didn't knew what triggered this or how long it was going to last but all he knew that no matter what happens after this he will never allow her to leave him ever again.


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