61. (PART ONE)

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"..stop it.." she yelled as she held his hand. "You are annoying me now Mr.Malhotra"

He closed his eyes as he brought her hand close to his mouth and kissed it gently "..I am extremely sorry..I don't want to annoy you but yaar I am helpless..I just couldn't stop getting restless."

"We got married by their permission Manik..why are you so nervous then." She gently ruffled his hair but for once he didn't scowl at her gesture. "..they won't eat you up.."

"Easy for you to say Mrs.Nandini Manik Malhotra" he reminded "..you are the princess of both the families where as I am the one who is on the hit list of your Amms..I still have to pass her "agnipariksha" remember" Manik hid his face against her shoulder "..what should I do yaar."

This time Nandini smiled as she gently kissed his forehead "..don't worry I will protect you"

Manik smiled as he side hugged her "I know.." he was going to kiss her when she stopped him "..What.." he was annoyed now.
"I am your husband remember.."

"I do remember that Mr.Malhotra" she made him sit straight on the chair "..but we are at public place..so behave yourself."

That's when Manik looked around only to find that he was the only one who was acting indecent whereas every one else was trying their best not to pay any heeds to him and Nandini but failing miseberaly.

So he sat straight however he decided not to let go of Nandini's hand which only made her smile. "How long will it take Manik.."

"Just 10 minutes more." Manik answered her question. "..after that it will be you and me under the blanket with no piercing eyes on us.."

"It's a blanket Manik...not the cloak of invisibility. Keep your thoughts and hormones to yourself. I am off limits for you till we leave for our "Official Honeymoon" in couple of weeks." She announced that literally scared the living daylight out of Manik "What.."

"Oh you don't know this.." she smiled crookedly "..it's true that we both will be entering Malhotra House together but we won't see each other except for the rituals and ceremonies." Manik was about to say something but she cut him off "..I know what you are going to say but unfortunately this time our families won't let us off the hook so easily"

"Who told you this.." Manik frowned which only made her smile even more "..did you talk to Amms or Maa."

"Yes..as a matter of fact I did." She replied which made his heart skip a beat in nervousness "..and what exactly did they both said.."

"That the only reasons both our families didn't dragged us back and allowed us this one week of heaven before wedding was because they won't allow us to officially meet till we both get married in front of the world again. And the worst part we can't do anything about it as we don't have any argument left in our favour as of now. They knew you would create trouble that's why they called me when you were sleeping in the morning as they expect me to handle you" she looked at him.

"And you agreed to all this nonsense" he was annoyed now "..don't you love me at all. How could you do this to me."

"Manik..you know na something is wrong back home. And I know this sound too unreasonable but somehow at this moment I think they all want us to be safe..and I would do anything to keep you safe. I know you are annoyed at the moment but before you go on full blown hulk mode..think twice about it. Think from their perspective just once and you would agree with them as well" Nandini had a valid point so he simply looked away without leaving her hand. "I still think it's a stupid ritual."

"Do it for me" she requested which only annoyed her more "what will I get in return". Fortunately Nandini had answer for that this time " what if I promise to make up for it.." he looked back at her so quickly that he looked like a cartoon character right out from the television series. "..how..when.."

"You are such a pervert." She shook her head in amusement. "Weren't you just raged out a second ago..and now you are asking me this..Man it's so easy to distract you."

"It's not my fault that you are so tempting and perfect that I can't never have my fill of you." He admitted shamelessly. "But you haven't answered my question yet..how and when are you going to make it upto me."

She was about to answer when their flight finally got announced. "Damn it..always at the wrong time.." Manik knew he had a load of time before they both reach Mumbai so he was thinking to take the most of the opportunity.

But his thought came to halt as he saw Nandini talking to someone..actually apologising "I am so sorry..I.." but before she could finish her sentence he replied "..it's absolutely fine. In fact I am sorry I should have been more careful. I hope you didn't get hurt."

"What's going on.." Manik spoke as he stood next to Nandini "..are you okay." Manik completely avoided the stranger.

"I am okay Manik..thanks to him." Nandini pointed towards the stranger who was looking back at both of them. "..thank you once again..if you wouldn't have stop at the right time I would have got severely injured. Thank you once again."

"It's okay."he nodded but made no attempt to leave which really annoyed Manik beyond measure. "..let's go Nandini..or else we might miss our flight."

"It was nice meeting you." Nandini smiled once again at him before being dragged away from their by Manik.

He stood there as he saw both of them getting into the line of the passengers that were boarding their flights to Mumbai and soon they both disappeared from him sight.

"Now this is going to be interesting." He mumbled to himself. And right on cue his phone rang that he answered in the second ring "Yeah I saw them.." he heard the response from the other end which only made him smile " I will deal with Manik myself but no one is going to touch her.."

"Why" was the unanimous question for which he only had one answer "..because she is mine."


**Part 2** will be posted tomorrow.

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