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She was pacing in her room while Aarav was watching television in the living room. Manik hadn't sent anyone to pick Aarav as of yet that clearly meant that he himself was going to pick Aarav from her apartment.

Tonight Aarav would be sleeping at his own house as Manik needs to work all night from his home. And from the day Aarav was born Manik had never spent a single night without his son.

In fact Manik needs to see Aarav's face before he closes his eyes at night. Aarav's face gave a certain sense of comfort and peace to Manik.

She didn't knew that until last night when she saw him leaving her room at midnight after pulling the duvet on her and Aarav.

Though she didn't knew when he came in but she somehow felt his presence even in her state of unconsciousness which for some weird reasons really felt familiar to her. As if she had experienced something similar in the past as well.

His presence felt so familiar and casual as if it she had experienced it gazillion times before. She knew it should have disturbed her but somehow she wasn't even bothered by the fact that a complete stranger entered her bedroom at midnight to pull the duvet over her and Aarav.

Rather she felt safe for some unknown reasons and that's only why she didn't made any fuss about it. And another reason for doing so was that she saw that how adorably and warmly he looked at Aarav for couple of minutes who at that point was in her embrace.

He was so engrossed in happiness that he didn't realised that Nandini was very much witnessing while peeking in from time to time.

She then witnessed how calm and composed Manik's face became when he saw his son's face for a long while. She couldn't put it in words how calm she felt he was when he finally left the room being all content and happy.

Aarav was Manik's panacea. He was something that Manik couldn't even imagine to live without. He might be a jerk but he was an excellent father which Nandini can vouch for with her life.

Though she wanted him to leave however when she got her wish she was not at all happy which really confused her.

She couldn't get Manik's words or his face off her mind the whole day.

Yes...that's true..

...she was thinking about Manik Malhotra the whole time.

But the question is why?

A thought that was really confusing her in the worst possible manner.

Why was she so restless that he would leave her alone.

Didn't she wanted this very same thing.

Then why was she not happy.

She would be spending time with Aarav. She could meet him anytime, anywhere. She could spend as much time with Aarav as she wants. There was no restriction.

Then why was she feeling like this.

The moment Manik said he will leave her alone something inside her tremble.

Yes she was annoyed with his interference but when he did what she asked him to do she was not at happy.

But Why?

He isn't too be blamed for anything but why did she wanted to beat him black and blue for no valid reason. After all he was respecting her, her privacy and her choice.

Then why the hell she just doesn't give a SH*T.

All these thoughts exploded inside her and she simply couldn't take it anymore.

She slumped on her bed and covered her ears with her hands while closing her eyes. She took deep breaths in order to calm her self down. She massaged her head with her palm in order to relax her brain. However nothing worked.

Rather it became worse as the door bell rang. And she witnessed Aarav running towards the door to open it. She was about to get on her feet in order to check who was on the door when she heard Aarav squeaking "DAD" in happiness.

Manik Malhotra was here.

The thought gave her peace and relief for few moments but then it made her raged out as well.

However she chose nothing to say as she cannot loose her marbles in front of Manik or Aarav. Because she knew that they weren't at fault...at all.

That's why she kept a poker face when she came out of her room and next thing she saw was the smiling faces of both father and son.

And her raged vanished in a second.




She was so confused that she went blank for a second.

She only came back when someone clicked fingers in front of her face bringing her back to real world. That's when she heard the worrying tone of the person who was asking "Are you okay Nandini."

Finally she realised what was going on.

She snapped out of her reverie only to find Manik and Aarav looking at her with worried look. "Maa are you okay.."

She nodded as she tried to force a fake smile on her face "I am fine."

"Doesn't seem like that." Manik raised his eyebrows. "You looked perplexed..somehow"

"I am fine Mr. Malhotra." She forced another smile.

"If you say so then we believe you." Aarav nodded along with Manik. "Thank you for taking care of Aarav. I will drop him tomorrow before I leave for my meeting. In case you are busy tomorrow then I will make some other arrangements."

"No..it's okay. I love spending time with Aarav. I will take care of him as long as he wants me around." She caressed Aarav's cheeks making him smile.

"My maa is the best." Leaning in he kissed Nandini's cheeks making her smile genuinely for the first time in the entire day.

And watching her smile made Manik smile too. Though he hid it from Nandini but now he was relaxed while watching her smile.
"Go get your stuff...we need to leave in five minutes."

"So soon.." these words came as an reflex from her mouth. And by the time she realised what she had said it was too late.

Manik instantly knew that his plan worked.

Nandini was horrified at her own carelessness so she tried her best to cover it up. "I mean..you just came here directly from work. Aren't you tired."

Manik kept a poker face while his heart was dancing with joy as he replied "Actually I am tired...however I didn't wanted to bother you anymore.."

"It's called hospitality Mr.Malhotra. So let me fulfill the responsibility of a dutiful hostess as well. So kindly sit and relax for a bit and leave after having something." She said so authoritatively that Manik simply nodded in return.

As soon as she left from there Aarav leaned in and whispered in Manik's ears "Kyu Dad..Mann me ladoo futta.."

Manik smirked while whispering back "...bahut bada wala yaar.."

Aarav shook his head "Keep the grin off your face Dad or else Maa will come to know about your Drama."

"Is it okay now.." Manik asked after changing his expression immediately to which Aarav replied "Much better. Waise just for your information I am not at all interested in spending the night away from Maa.."

"Nor do I.." Manik winked at Aarav who curiously looked back at his father "So what's your plan then..."

"Well it's time to get your Maa back into her real house Aarav..." Manik's words made Aarav smile "..at Malhotra Mansion.."


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