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Five years later

"Maa don't you like Dad.." his question caught her off guard. Turning around he faced her while his hands were round her waist. She too took him in her embrace where he finally sighed "..do you hate him."

If it was in her hand she would have snapped out the existence of his father just like Thanos did in Infinity Wars. But of course she couldn't hurt this little child who was looking at her with nothing but warmth filled eyes that was enough to melt the heart of Thanos let alone her.

"It's nothing like that Aarav." She tried her best to not let her annoyance pop up on her face at the mention of not so likeable Dad Malhotra. But of course Aarav was too smart to understand the underlying issues so he asked honestly "Do you hate me as well."

Nandini was shocked. Yes she doesn't like Manik but there is no way in hell she can dislike Aarav let alone hate him. It was only because of Aarav she agreed to let Manik crash for the night. She was making plan as to how kick Manik out of the apartment first thing in the morning but of course she could not blame or hurt Aarav at any cost.

Manik Malhotra was wrong not her sweetheart Aarav.

Nandini loved kids but she would have never thought that she would actually end up doting on Aarav so much. She had seen his picture on the cover of the magazine where he posed along side his infamous Dad. However he was the scene stealer for her at least.

The moment her eyes laid on him she felt strange and weird as if some unknown wish of her got fulfilled. She wanted to meet him so badly that she ended up planning an entire venture with Malhotra Industries just so that she could see him just once.

And now when he was lying in her embrace she somehow felt complete. Due to some unknown emotions she was feeling as if one of her incomplete wish about whose existence she had no idea got fulfil today. Though she was annoyed at Manik but she couldn't deny the joy of having little Aarav in her embrace.

She didn't knew that her maternal instincts were so strong. And now that she knew she had no wish to hold it back any longer.

She knew she can't be his mother and she also knew that she might not meet him once she leaves Mumbai that's why she decided to give in to her motherly instincts and chose to pamper and adore Aarav as much as possible in the little time they have .

Hurting him is not an option so she carefully chose her words. "I don't like you Dad but that doesn't mean I am not fond of you. Yes I have certain reservations about your father and we have issues that I am sure to work out with him."

"But that means you won't be my Maa anymore." Aarav's apprehension was clear in his voice.

She looked at him while she gently pinched his nose "Our relationship had nothing to do with my animosity with your father. You will always be my son and I will always be you Maa no matter what."

"You promise." He raised his pinkie finger. Nandini smiled as she entangled her pinky finger with him "Pinky promise. Now it's getting late so sleep.." she pulled the duvet and embracing him against her chest she began to sing a lullaby that Nyonika used to sing to make Manik sleep in his childhood. Nanidni learnt that as often Nyonika used to put her asleep singing the same lullaby back home. And in matter of few moments Aarav was asleep.

"It's magical.." she whispered as she planted a soft kiss on his forehead. She was at peace due to some unforeseen reason and because of that she herself fell asleep as well.

"Indeed it is.." Manik smiled as he quietly entered the room and pulled the duvet on her as well. Kissing her forehead and caressing Aarav's cheeks once he switched the bed side lamp off and walked out of the room.

Lying on the sofa he closed his eyes as soon he too drifted into a peaceful slumber after ages.

It was 4 A.M. in the morning when she heard some noise. Her eyes opened up and fell on a sleeping Aarav who was still sleeping cuddling her. Being as noiseless as possible she shifted so that now Aarav was soundly sleeping on the bed. Covering him up she got up and wearing her flip flop she walked out of the room.

A mouth watering aroma filled up the entire room that was coming from the kitchen. Her stomach growled as she walked towards the kitchen only to get the biggest shock of her life..

"Good morning love.." Manik Malhotra was setting up the dining space "..is my baby hungry.."


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