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Amity sighed, tapping on one foot impatiently to the floor, she didn't want to have to do this.

Looking around her empty room, she wanted to get that wretched crown badly enough to run for it.

Standing up whilst making fewer noises as she grabbed her sword, she paused and stared at her staff from the corner of the room.

No... No, she had to leave it behind or else she'll be noticed sooner than later.

Grumbling over the anxious thoughts in her head, she crept over to her window and quietly slid it open.

Without delay did she slowly climb down and hop unto the grass.

Laying low as she heard talking inside the kitchen.

Quietly getting out of there and rushing towards the castle. She knew fighting would be evident in that place for the open throne.


Sneaking at the back as she knew the layout all too well in the castle after she became the Emperor's coven first in command leader.

She snuck through and used a hidden tunnel through the ducts to reach the throne room much easier and faster than everyone else.

Pushing the large doors open, it creaked and she was immediately greeted by her magic weakening bit by bit, this time, it was much stronger towards her.

Groaning, she rushed for the throne and yanked the crown over her head.

Somehow, it stopped...

With a gasp, she clutched her chest, her bile sack would've probably been toasted if she hadn't rushed for it.

Suddenly, she heard faint clapping behind her to yank her sword out and ready a spell for anything.

"As expected of the youngest Blight."

He heard a low voice of a man before it was followed by heavy coughing of him on the verge of death.

It was the Emperor.

"Emperor Belos..?" Amity muttered as she lowered her sword a bit.

He cleared his throat before walking over to her.

Gesturing her to take a seat on the throne for him.

Amity reluctantly agreed and sat down.

When she did, she felt it. Power.

It flew through her like wildfire but never enough to hurt her.

"What..?" She muttered under her breath as she raised a hand in front of her.

Belos hummed before drawing a spell to connect to the broadcast.

Amity flinched when a camera had been pointed at her.

The war for the throne ended that easily? What..?

"As expected of a Blight, Amity Blight herself wasted not a dime on the clock to grab it." Belos began before continuing further into a speech of his farewell and then acknowledgment of Amity's win.

And lastly ending it with Amity having to give a word over everyone for anything she'd like to say before taking over the Isles as the new Empress.

She didn't have much to say to everyone as she was unprepared at the moment, but as a Blight, she tried and succeeded in giving a few words to the citizens who might be awake and watching.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now