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Amity's POV;

Staring up at the sky.

It was a peaceful day to have a picnic.


I smiled waving at Edric and Emira walking up the hill.

"You didn't wait too long, right? I mean you could've just eaten lunch without us if you're hungry." Emira said.

I chuckled brushing her off.

"It's fine!" I said.

"I brought the basket!" Edric chimed as he placed it down beside me.

Crossing my legs.

Picnics seemed seldom done now that we're always busy with the castle and all. The citizens always have a problem one way or another day by day.

"This is really nostalgic, mom and dad would usually the ones waiting for us to walk up the hill with the food." I said.

I perked up when Emira patted my head before grabbing my crown.

"What gives?" I asked when she took it.

She stuck her tongue out before setting it aside.

"This noon at lunch, you're our little sister, not the high Empress who's always too busy to spend time with us!" She said.

I snickered and fell into a fit of laughter.

"Since when???" I laughed.

"Just now." Emira chirped laughing.

After we calmed down, we sat eating and just outright talking about anything we could think of talking.

And while we were in that situation for a conversation.

Emira suddenly goes, "hey, y'now, now that I think about it. How did you pull it off, Amity??"

I raised a brow.

"Pulled off what? Getting the crown?" I wondered.

"No, no, no," she sputtered.

I finished up on my last bite with Edric grabbing his third plate.

"What I mean is you winging Willow and Boscha together back in Hexside." She said.

I almost choked on my water when she said that.

Coughing to clear my throat, all I could blurt out was, "winged who with who know!?"

She smirked giggling under a hand.

"Oh, y'now..." She began.

I frowned trying to figure out what she's getting on about.

"Those times you were Willow's wingman and all." She shrugged.

I snickered laughing.

"Right," I scoffed.

"Well, she's my best friend, and how could I ever pass up such an opportunity to wing her with another friend who happened to have a liking for her." I continued.

She cooed at me, nudging my shoulder as if we were still in Hexside.

"C'mon... I know that's not the only reason." She said.

Geez, not much changed with how she brings up girl talks on me like someone only a year close to my age.

I huffed before crossing my arms and saying, "yep, that's actually about it. Well, Boscha told me she liked Willow, and then suddenly Willow told me she liked Boscha after how she saw her defend her at school once. So I took in the opportunity and just... Did what felt like a good thing to do."

She laughed brushing me off before laying down.

"Geez, you two are so gay, I can't even keep up."

I and Emira eyed Edric for a solid five seconds before we all fell into a fit of laughter.

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