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Luz hummed helping her mom in the kitchen with washing the dishes.

"Hey, ¿mamá?" She began.

Camila chirped as she grabbed another plate to rinse off with soap.

"¿Puedo darte la bendición a ti y a otra mamá?"

Camila accidentally dropped the plate down on the sink with the others, causing a somewhat loud clattering over the running water.

"W... What..?" She asked.

Luz pursed her lips glancing out the window.

Camila hurriedly finished with the last two plates and wiped her hands dry with a kitchen towel.

Luz continued to wipe the rest of the plates dry with a towel.

"Luz," Camila began.

"Yes..?" Luz said that real nice and slow, cautiously in fact.

"Did you get someone pregnant?"

Luz mentally choked.

"What!? No!! Of course not! And how am I even supposed to get someone pregnant anyway???" She stammered with a flushed look.

Camila shrugged and just said, "I dunno! Magic??"

Luz wasn't even sure if she was talking to Camila or Eda.

"Is this Eda in disguise as my mamá or something?? That's true but... I won't just immediately get someone pregnant like that. How does that even work??" She muttered under her breath with squinted eyes.

She was curious herself.

Getting someone pregnant with magic, how... Interesting? Peculiar? Absurd? Shocking?? What word should be used anyway?

"Did somebody say Luz got someone pregnant?"

"I did not get anybody pregnant!!!"

Luz immediately shrieked at Eda who was grinning by the archway.

Camila hummed before saying, "if you didn't get anybody pregnant, then why are you asking for our blessings?"

If Luz had dog ears, it'd be pulled back by now in embarrassment of why she asked that question at such a time in the young evening.

"I was... Uhm... I proposed to Amity with a ring and... Uhh--she's already preparing the wedding and all and--"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--Yeah!! Atta girl, kid!! You finally got her good this time!"

Luz was taken aback when Eda came swinging an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close beside her to ruffle her hair.

She fumbled a bit in her as she tried to keep a steady balance by the sudden yank.

"Owl mom!" She tried to pull the hand ruffling her head away.

Eda chuckled pulling away.

"Alright, kid! You have my blessing!" She said.

Luz smiled.

"Really!?" She chirped like a dog being given a high-quality treat.

Eda nodded before glancing over to Camila who had a raised brow towards them.

"Aww, c'mon, Camy! Let the kid have your blessing to her! That way their wedding won't get any bad luck or anything!" She charmed rushing over to her side to pat her shoulders.

Camila eased her stiff shoulders down with a smile.

"I'll give you my blessing alright," she began.

Eda smiled giving a thumbs-up behind her back directed to Luz.

Luz smiled with clasped hands under her chin.

"You will???"

If it was with effects, she'd be having starry eyes at both her parents.

"If!" Camila raised a finger towards her and then continued with, "we meet her in person! Don't just ask for my blessing unless I meet who they really are!"

Luz gasped in shock.

Eda lowered her thumb down with a look of shock as well.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now