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Luz's POV;

"Willow, is that you?" I asked when I grabbed her hand.

"Huh? Yeah, and who are you?"

I shot up.

Oh, right, I forgot Lus sealed memories of me from everyone I know unless I unlock it myself.

"Oh, right, here, let me just..." I poked her in the head, just enough power from my finger should be enough to let her remember everything about us both.

She blinked a few times, her hold on the water can went loose. I was quick to catch it before it could hit the pavement.


I smiled when she remembered.

"Yes, it's me!" I said.

"Wha--you're now... So tall and... What happened to your hands and the side of your face!?"

I meekly laughed when she reached over to touch the large scar extending from the back, the side of my neck, and my cheek.

"I-It's a long story..." I muttered.

"Long story it sure is! It's been so long! How have you been though?"

I frowned.

Not much have been nice when I disappeared. Everyone either feared me or hated me in the Hell Grounds, and everyone who considered themselves strong wanted to fight me for the throne of the top one on the list of the strongest.

"I hope I didn't miss out on too much, I wanted to catch up on about what happened in the Boiling Isles." I said.

She smiled and gestured me to come with her inside the large greenhouse.

"Is this your greenhouse?" I asked with a smile as I reached over a few plants and felt around them.

They all grew nicely among one another, that's for sure.

"Yep, Gus helped me with it." She said.

Oh, right. I'm almost forgetting about Gus... We don't talk much but when we do, we almost always take up more than half the day.

"Speaking of Gus, how is he?" I asked.

"He's been doing just fine but he's always busy at work knowing he decided to take charge of the new magic usage system now."

New magic usage system..?

"The what now?" I asked.

"Oh!! How could I forget! The Empress upheld power and disbanded covens so everyone can learn about almost anything they want." She said.

"Who's the Empress..?" I asked.

Wait, no, I already know.

"Amity, of course, speaking of her too, you should attend her birthday."

I shot up.

Birthday... Her birthday..!

Omg... Her birthday..!!

It's been so long since I've attended her birthdays!! So long!!!

I have to attend it for sure!

"Hey, sunshine??"

I perked up at the familiar voice.

"Huh?? Who are you??"

It was Boscha.

"Boscha, you don't remember Luz?" Willow asked as I handed her the water can and poked Boscha on the bridge of her nose.

Soon enough, Boscha just blinked and stared confused at me.

"Luz??" She said.

"Luz! Omg, it's been so long!! How are you???" She continued as she placed an arm around my shoulders and laughed.

"Ok, we need to catch up on everything now." I said.

Seriously though, it's been so long and I don't know how many events had happened after I was transported to Hell Grounds.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now