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Amity's POV;

"You're dismissed for today."

And then I watched her leave for the day's work.

Silence filled my office.


Omg, did I just do that!??

I asked her out!! Damn..!

That was so smooth! Hell yeah! Take that Boscha, I've still got my spunk..!

Huehehehehh... Now all I have to do is wait for later so I can walk with her in the garden!

"I'm such a genius." I snickered.

Oh! But wait!! Willow might be there! She could ruin my shot... She's always had a mouth to make fun of me whenever I'd be on dates...

Ughh... I forgot all those times Boscha tried to set me up years ago while I was still in the Emperor's coven working as the first in command...

None suited my taste... Must've been because Luz was the first one I dated which meant my taste were around her and nothing else.

I sighed.

What other stuff should I do when we get to the garden though..? I can't just start interrogating her for answers.

Besides that... I also went real smooth on her when she told me all about how she wiped out the shadows.

Seriously, Amity..! Nothing else other than having to date her to get answers!? Seriously??


I felt heat in my whole face to gulp and immediately slam my head onto my desk, the crown hit it loud as I reached both hands to cover my face.

I feel so flushed..! Butterflies in my stomach for sure!!

I stood up and drew a spell to grab my scroll out.

Opening my messenger, I should console Boscha for this...

I mean... I did act as Boscha and Willow's wingwoman for them.

"Pick up you three-eyed witch..." I grumbled waiting for a reply.


I perked up when she finally saw it.

"Dude... What?? Why me?? How about your mentor?? Didn't they date a few times before but still ended up declining?"

I choked on her response.

My mentor..? Dated a few times but declined all?

"What the hell are you telling me!??"

"I'm just saying! Sheesh, why though? Finally got a date with someone??"


"Oh, shit! Really!? Who!??"

"The new Archduke."

"I should've known it'd be your old fiancee! You two finally got back!!"

I paused mid-way pressing send.

Wait... Why does she suddenly remember her??

"How'd you suddenly remember her? You didn't believe me when we were talking about her back in the castle library."

"Oh, yeah, about that. I had a weird thing she said was called sealed memories that only she can unlock so I can remember her."

Ahh... So... That's why. I really shouldn't have snapped at Edric.

I'm a terrible sister for that.

I hate myself...

"So anyways, are you two back together now or nahh??"

I groaned.

We sort of are..? I mean... Dating again for sure but... Does that count..??

She did say she won't come back to me until I figure out her 'personality' and all.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now