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Amity's POV;

"What?? Then... When is that?"

I chuckled at his stammering.

Oh, Augustus, if only our places were switched, then you'd know how busy I can get on a daily basis to meet the people's needs in this Isles.

"Oh, Gus, I'm a busy witch. Sometimes I question myself why the former Emperor never in the slightest paid a dime of attention to the Isles around it y'now." I said.

He smiled as if he understood what I was trying to say.

Well, in all honesty, the former Emperor didn't care for anything other than himself before, as long as his needs and wants were met, you can work just fine under him in the castle.

"Alright, I've signed it all down," I said, handing the papers over to him and continued with, "now all it needs is your signature and we'll be set to announce it to the public."

He nodded and wrote down spots he needed to sign.

"Oh, by the way, Gus. We'll need to announce who the new archduke is as well. We can't leave it empty for people to know." I said.

He chuckled before saying, "don't worry, I'll send them a letter to tell them just that!"

I smiled.

He knows this person a lot and always seems happy whenever he'd have to mention them. He must be a close friend to him, aren't they?

"You're close to this person aren't you?"

He laughed and scratched the back of his neck while nodding.

"Well, we sort of met together with Willow back in Hexside. They said they were just paying a visit around the building so I and Willow gave them a tour of the place!"

I raised a brow.

Since... When was that..??

"R-Really?" I asked.

He nodded before saying, "yeah! We showed them every coven and in all honesty. They couldn't pick just one!"

I laughed at the last part.

That such a weird thing to say for someone who came to visit a famous witch school.

"Is that so?" I snickered.

He nodded once more.

I sighed.

"So this person... You met them many years ago, haven't you? A close acquaintance for sure that even Willow knows about them?" I wondered.

"Yeah, Willow knows them. She even said they met up with Boscha in their greenhouse." He said.

I chuckled laying back on my seat.

He's always fun to converse with.

It's like having a little brother who just chatters on and on about almost anything you want to talk about.

It finally reminds me why I picked him up to be the archduke. He's got a sharp tongue to put you at ease when you open a conversation with him.

I raised my hands' mid-air and gave a loud clap.

"Well, now that we've got everything settled down now. Are you going to tell me who this mystery person is?" I chided.

He laughed and brushed it off.

"Oh, your high Empress! I told you I can't tell who they are. Because if I did, they'd feel betrayed towards me."

Feel betrayed..?

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now