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Luz's POV;

Finally settling down half the papers, I felt contented with it to smile at him.

He gave me such a discomforted look when I did so.

Well, I had to threaten him a few times. He was cocky!

"Now for these, Warden--"

"Just give it to me and I'll sign it! If it gets you out of here faster then I'll do it!"

I blinked a few times in surprise.

Is he serious?

"Are you serious?"

He nodded without hesitation.

I smiled offering it all to him.

If I finish faster I get a reward!

This is like back in Hell Grounds, if you finish the fight early, you get a hefty reward of money for it.

After checking everything down that he signed, I nodded and left.

Not much was to be done there anymore other than to wait for him to give the word of him disbanding it to his fellow workers.


Walking out of the shadow, I peeked through a corner of the hallway before fixing my tie upright while making my way to her office.

Knocking, I was greeted by her asking who was on the other side.

"It's Luz Noceda, your high Empress." I replied before walking inside when I got permission.

She smirked staring at me.

I smiled offering the finished work.

"You work fast." She said when she took a glance at a few of them.

I nodded chuckling.

"I thank you for the compliment, your high Empress." I said with a light bow.

She chuckled.

"Now sit down."

I perked up by the sudden unrelated work order.

Still... I did as I was told and I sat down on a free chair facing her.

She stared at me.

Is she thinking of something..?

What is she thinking about??

Should I ask..? But we're working which means it'd be a bit rude to do so.

Do I just sit here and wait for any more orders? Or do I need to say something to ease the tension in the room?

Sheesh, now I know what those people who serve me in Hell Grounds feel whenever they'd get called in by me.

Ughh... This is so terrifying. Having to sit and say nothing while someone who's higher than you just stare you down thinking.

"Do you like gardens?"

"Huh?" I perked up.

"Oh, well, I suppose it has been quite a long time since I've gone into one." I said.

She laid back on her chair.

But still, she was eyeing me down. Her eyes looked so sharp directly at me I don't even know if that's my precious Amity anymore.

She's so cool.

I wanna be the cool one!!

"Let's go to the castle garden later when we're done with work."

Huh..? Is she serious?

"R... Really?" I chirped.

Why am I chirping..!?

She nodded before continuing with, "Willow should be done with whatever she's be doing there by then when we're done or so."

Ahh... Ok, ok...

I see now.

She's asking me out.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now