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Kikimora sighed, it was a little sad. Somehow, she was old but she hadn't retired just yet at all.

"When are you retiring is what I asked."

Amity was bringing it up on her again.

Kikimora smiled and gave her a reassuring answer, "when the time comes that I'm no longer needed as such, I will ask for my leave without problem."

Amity stared at her. Those cold eyes seemed a tad warmer than she's ever seen them. It looked like a miracle to have.

"Is that so..?" She hummed.

Kikimora calmly nodded without hesitation.

"Does that mean that you'll be here for a while even more?" Amity asked.

Kikimora nodded again.

"I see..." Amity huffed.

Kikimora chuckled, catching Amity's attention away from her work.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked.

"Your high Empress, your eyes look warmer than they've ever been. I'm just happy it's back." Kikimora said before taking her leave with the finished paperwork in both hands.

Amity stood there, mouth half-open as she lowered her quilt back inside the jar.

What was this..? Such a strange feeling. It was old yet new for her too.

Suddenly a knock came from the door.

"Who is it?" She called back.


She flinched.

Oh, it was just the eldest.

"Come in." She reluctantly accepted her audience.

Amida meekly opened the door, shy she felt as she walked over standing in front of the desk.

"Mom, the twins asked me to tell you to meet with us in the garden later if you're not busy, that is..." She said.

Amity raised a brow and laid back on her seat.

"Later in the garden?" She hummed.

Amida nodded.

"They said to tell you when--"

"No, it's fine. I'll be there later, what time?" Amity lowered her gaze back down on her work.

"Uhm... All they both said is 'sitting duck under the shade'." Amida shrugged.

Amity paused midway going back through her work.

'At snack time after their playtime, I see...' she hummed nodding.

"Alright, I'll be there." She said.

Amida smiled almost cheerfully at this and nodded rushing out of there excitedly.

Amity had agreed even when she had her doubts about her.

She sighed and covered half her face.

Weird, her face was red and her tongue felt caught on a sharp paw.

Chuckling, it was a little amusing though.

Wincing, she growled lowering to hold her chest with a hand.

With a shallow breath, she reached for her medicine and drank it in one go.

Sighing again, she wiped the cold sweat off of her face to calm down.


"She agreed!" Amida exclaimed.

The young twins smiled in excitement.

"How about you two? Did ma agree?" She asked.

They both nodded back in unison.

"She said she'd come over but might be a minute late because well, she's helping Aunt Boscha and Aunt Willow in the greenhouse." Jour said.

Amida smiled nodding.

"Ok, I understand. Mom says she'll be there on time so it should be fine if she's a little late, shall we commence get mom and ma better together plan now?" She whispered.

The young twins nodded in unison.

"Yes." They agreed.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now