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Lilith was nodding all through the explanation. She was listening closely.

"And after I did get the soul of the Hell Grounds and consumed it, allowing me to resurrect my soul right when I stepped through the portal. The Hell Grounds collapsed inside because it was all but a large cave, then I went to look for Eda first because she was easy to find." Luz was still going on about her explanation.

And after she was finally done, she perked up in realization that Amity had fallen asleep on her shoulder.

Lilith checked the time.

It was already past five close to six.

"Oh, dear... It's already this late for dinner." She chirped.

Luz shot up.

"Dinner..!" She chided.

"Well, your explantation was quite long and fun to listen to, time passed by without us knowing." Lilith chuckled.

Luz smiled chuckling as she tried to gently wake up Amity from her nap.

When she did, she told her one thing.


Amity groggily smiled nodding. She was still half asleep but was sure hungry.

"Well, we'll be on our way this evening now, Aunt Lilith." Luz huffed before turning her shoe around.

"Oh, wait!"

She paused midway when Lilith called for her.

"Is there by any chance--"

"You could come with me to the human world when I go?" Luz finished her before she could even sputter it all out.

Lilith smiled nodding.

Luz chuckled before saying, "yes, I'll be going there tomorrow afternoon to visit the beach if I recall correctly, you could come with us to the resort if you'd like to. I'll tell Mami and Owl Mom that I invited you."

"That would be lovely, thank you." Lilith huffed.


"This is actually quite tasty."

Luz couldn't deny the served food was indeed good.

It didn't look anything like some kind of human food but it tasted just like human food. Chicken to be exact.

"You think so..? That meat is from a flock of Coogers." Amity hummed.

Luz choked a bit on her tenth bite.

"C... Coogers??" She muttered.

Amity rolled her eyes.

"You don't know what a flock of Coogers are?" She asked.

Luz meekly chuckled while cutting another bite for her.

"Not really, it's been... A while and..." She tried to form a reasonable sentence.

Amity snickered and offered a bite to eat her dinner.

"Haven't tried this as well then?" She wondered.

Luz hummed and took the offered bite.

"Hm... It tastes exactly just like beef back in my world." She chimed after munching it all down.

Amity smiled.

The night sky was pleasant and it wasn't that cold to have dinner outside.

"Beef?" She chirped.

She didn't know what that was.

"Yes, from a cow. We have those in my world." Luz said.

Amity hummed in understanding.


"Yes, Luz?" Amity glanced back over to Luz with a glass close to her lips when she called.

"Will you really marry me?"

Amity halfway choked on her drink.

Luz panicked offering her a tissue.

"Are... Are you alright!?" She asked.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now