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The only thought that kept Amity's arms crossed while she sat in wait under the umbrella shade was 'Where in the world were the children?'.

She sighed and continued to stay sitting in wait.

The children could just be a tad busy, they'll probably just be a minute or two late.


Amity perked up and looked over to see who spoke.

It was Luz.

Luz stood there, a box of dessert in one hand, she was sweating bullets.

"What are you doing here?" Amity asked. Her tone of voice was as usual cold towards her.

Luz blinked a few times to snap herself from her thoughts.

"Oh, well, the twins told me to join them for tea. Even though I don't really drink tea that much due to Boscha." She chuckled meekly as she walked closer and laid the box down on the table.

Amity laid back on her seat.

"What's wrong with Boscha? Doesn't she take her medicine? She has her made in high quality as her's is found to be very severe." She said.

Luz raised a brow in curiosity and worry.

"She has it severe??" She asked.

Amity nodded.

"She didn't get hit by a black magic spell once but eleven times, unlike my brother who was hit exactly five times." She said.

Luz's mouth was a jar open in shock.

"Then you..." She muttered.

"I only got hit once," Amity huffed.

That was a little assuring for Luz.

She nodded in understanding.

"Uhh, where are the children?" She asked after paying more attention.

"I don't know either." Amity shrugged.

Luz hummed before perking up when her phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me," she said as she tried to grab it out of her right side pocket.

Amida had sent two messages.

One was a picture the other said, "sorry, ma, but the twins said they'd rather go out in the city for a bit to look around."

She shot up and dialed to call her without hesitation.

As soon as Amida picked up, she nagged her.

"Amida, that is irresponsible of you, what happens if you were all suspected to be the royal children?? What do you think bad people would do!?"

Amida chuckled on the other end.

"Relax, ma, Uncle Augustus isn't just with us but Uncle King and Uncle Edric too. It'll be fine, I promise, and they all seemed eager to give anybody a sucker punch if they tried to do anything to us." She said before sending a pic.

It was true that they had at least three uncles with them.

Hanging up, she called for Amity's attention.

"Amity, is there by any chance the twins know how to how to do illusions like your older siblings?" She asked.

Amity huffed before saying, "no, they don't."

Luz sat back down in relief.

"I didn't mean that they can't do magic as such but to be fair. They can, somehow just like you since they both take after you more than me, but they're more interested in learning the Abomination track just as much as the other tracks in school." Amity rephrased her answer.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now