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Luz's POV;

Finishing with today's work.

I stood up and passed through a shadow in the corner.

I cleared my throat loud enough for Amity to hear me.

She relieved a sigh and waved at me to come over.

I smiled and walked over to stand in front of her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.

She smiled.

"If it makes the twins believe what I just said at the dinner table, yes."

Oh, Lord, she's too serious with this spell.

I meekly smiled, holding her hands together in mine, I gave it a light squeeze before saying, "but... They could try and chase me away, what if they really don't want me to be with you anymore? They were right when they said actions speak louder than words here, your high Empress."

She sighed and leaned forward, pecking me in the cheek.

I flushed.

"What the..." I began muttering before immediately getting surprised by her chuckling at me.

"Listen, whatever I do now. It's for you."

Those things she said felt like a daydream.

I think I'm about to cry because of those, those are so precious when she says it that way.

"I... I know..." I muttered, my gaze lowering to the floor.

The large glyph below us on the floor was illuminating ever so slowly.

"So, could you... Please, do the same for me again, just like how you were in front of me."

I shot up from her sudden request.

I stared at her.

She seemed determined.

I smiled, reaching a hand to cup her face, all I could say was, "of course, my angel."

You're my only savior in this hectic world.

She chuckled nuzzling in a bit.

I flushed and suddenly I felt a weird yet soft shuffle below our feet. Like carpet getting lightly tugged under your feet.

We both looked down to see the glyph illuminate big.

I gasped holding whatever suddenly appeared between us.

It was bright that I had to shut my eyes.

After the light ceased, I could hear light muttering of... A baby.

I gasped.

Omg... It's so cute.

"Ahh... She has your eyes."

I peeked over a little more to see what made Amity squeal as such.

"Ohh... She has your face." I smiled caressing the back of a finger on its soft cheek.

I could hear Amity praising this little thing in our arms.

"W... What should we name her..?" I muttered.

"It... It should be precious, right?" I added.

She smiled as if she already knew what it should be.

I stared in anticipation.

"How about Amida?" She suggested.


"Amida..?" I hummed.

"Yeah, Amida Blight." She said.

I meekly smiled nodding.

"That's a wonderful name." I said.

"I want another one,"

I shot up.

She wants another what!?

"But, we'll have to wait a year or so."

I meekly smiled in relief.

"Goodness, don't say things like that out of the blue. Of course, we can have another one but I'd prefer we wait a bit and get accustomed to taking care of one first." I said.

She nodded in agreement.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now