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Knocking softly, all Emira could do was wait in front of the door until it was opened by her sister.

"Amity..?" She called softly.

There was a moment of something, some kind of cloth shifting along with someone's movement when they groggily tried to grumble words out of her dry lips.

Opening the door, Amity greeted her with the same cold expressionless face for the past months after the war was won successfully and the enemy island was also taken over and given to Mattholomule and Augustus.

Although, Augustus stayed in the Isles for Hexside.

"What is it?" Amity asked.

She had bags in her eyes and she didn't seem to be eating all too well for the past days until now.

"Amity, have you taken your medicine?" Emira asked.

A worried smile wrapping her face as she kept her hands clasped behind her back.

Amity nodded.

"I did--ughh..."


Emira quickly caught Amity before she could trip falling to the floor.

"You... You still need to rest, alright?" She muttered.

"No, I need to prepare for later evening for your birthday." Amity groaned as she tried to get back on her feet.

Emira frowned.

"It's fine! I can handle it myself." She said.


Emira felt the hair behind her back stand when Amity gave her that chilling glare.

It was different from those other glares she's ever been given through her life with her as a sister. This one felt bad, perhaps, one wrong choice could end with her head being decapitated by her own sister's sword.

She sighed heavily and helped Amity back inside.

"Fine, but please, do take twice the medicine if you'll attend." She said.


"Tonight, we'll attend your Auntie Emira's birthday this evening."

Amida was in awe.

"Really? Where??" She asked.

Luz smiled nodding.

"D... Does that mean I can finally get to see mom again!?" Amida asked.

Luz couldn't help but smile wider under her worried look.

"Yes, but... Promise me you'll behave? Mom got hit by a strong black magic spell and might..."

Amida stared at Luz's face, unhinged. She was confused when Luz stopped mid-sentence.

"Ma?" She called, snapping Luz from her trance.

Luz sighed and gained the courage to tell it, "Amida... Listen carefully alright..?"

"Alright..?" Amida was very confused.


"This little bug is weird."

"I know right? It's been squirming inside the cage for the past days now."

"Should we tell, mom?"

"I dunno, should we?"

This evening, the young twins were out having fun collecting bugs in the castle garden.


The youngest perked up.


Followed by the oldest.

"What is it, mom?" Both twins turned to look at Amity who had just finished dressing up for the event this evening.

She smiled at them both.

"What do you think you two are doing?" She hummed looking down at what they had put inside the cage.

"We caught a bug this evening, mom!" Nuit said.

Jour chuckled grabbing it from her hands.

"Have you two greeted your Auntie Emira a happy birthday today?" Amity wondered.

"Yeah, this morning and just a minute ago too!" Nuit said.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now