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King's POV;

I perked up when she shoved the book back to me.

I raised a brow staring at it before glancing over at her.

"Keep it, King." She said.

I was confused.

"W... Why? It's your's Luz and--"

"No, no... I gave it to you for a reason," she cut me off before I could finish.

I huffed.

"Still... Why? This is your private life. Your bibliography and all." I said.

Honestly, I want a bibliography about myself too. It's cool having one when you're bored but also want to keep track of everything that's happened to your life.

"Because I trust you, and Eda and Mami can know if something comes up through you." She said while pointing at me.

I smiled chuckling.

I ruffled her head before crossing my arms.

"Geez, Luz, you changed. Trusting me with something this big, it'll be hard but I'll try." I said.

She laughed and gestured me over to the kitchen.


We've gotta prepare the cake while Camila waits for Eda close to the front door.

"Got the candles." I said after grabbing them out of the lower fridge.

She got the cake ready and out of the box and even took a quick taste of the frosting.

I snickered.

"Hey..." I chuckled.

She laughed raising her hands before reaching to grab the candles from my hands.

"I wonder what flavor the cake is..." She pondered while taking the candles out of its wrapper.

I shrugged.

"Probably chocolate." I guessed.

I mean... We've had chocolate cake for three straight birthdays with her...

"You think so?" She asked while placing the candles down.

I huffed and checked the cupboards for the lighter.

"Beats me, we've had chocolate for three birthdays straight with her." I said while looking around.

Checking behind a few seasonings, bottles, and glasses.

I checked the cabinets and sure enough there it was sitting pretty for use.

Checking to see if it worked, I tossed it over to her.

She caught it without worry and lit the candles when we heard Camila talking to who I can assume would be Eda.

"Let's go," I smiled grabbing it in both arms.

She nodded walking in front of me.

When we got to the living room, we just started singing to her.

Man... I keep forgetting how many times I've sung this weird human song to her just to celebrate her birthday.

Even though they've done the same to me, still though...

After that singing and all, Luz stayed for a bit more to join us for cake before leaving soon carrying a box of desserts.

"What's the rush, Luz?" I asked when she was mid-way opening the door.

She chuckled before saying, "I've got a date with Amity."

I perked up.

They got back..?

"You two got back?"

Didn't she tell me she proposed to her to be her fiancee?? They should be married by now, aren't they??

"Yeah, we did. She's still a little mad I left but we're working things out." She said before taking her leave.

Huh, strange.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now