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Emira was stuck in a dilemma with her twin.

Edric was crying his eyes out like a newborn baby.

"Waaaaaaaahhh--that was terrifying!" He began whining just as soon as he woke up from it.

Emira patted his back.

"It's fine, it's fine. It's over now so... You won't be feeling anymore of those hard stomach cramps." She said.

Edric stood up from his bed.

"Y'now, now I know what it really feels like for women to be on their period!"

Emira choked on her morning coffee.

"Yes, yes," she brushed it off though.

Edric had starry eyes of determination.

"I never knew it was that strong whenever you guys would have it. I feel kind of sorry to all those times I've been just a little annoying on your periods and stuff." He pondered.

Emira laughed under a hand.

"Well, at least it seems normal for you to be saying that." She sighed before continuing with, "also, get changed. Everyone should be waiting for us in the dining room for breakfast."

Edric gasped.

"Everyone's here!? Does that mean Jerbo's here too??? Didn't he say he's busy every week though?" He said.

Emira shrugged.

"I'm not sure but since you've finally gotten rid of the black magic, he'd be eager to see how well you are now." She said.

"How about you?" Edric asked.

"Hm?" Emira hummed.

"I meant your girlfriend." Edric corrected.

"Oh, she's got it busy in her job so she can't make it. I'll be visiting her later in the afternoon though." Emira chuckled before walking out.


"Why isn't she waking up yet..?"

Luz held her limp hand on both of her's.

"It must've been too much of a shock. She'll wake up maybe later on." Mattholomule said before taking his leave from the dim room.

Luz sighed and lowered her head down on her held hand.

"Please, wake up soon. You scared me to death back there." She whispered.



"What the--"

Jerbo didn't do much other than letting Edric cling happily to him.

"How's your job?? I didn't let you go off to eat breakfast with us and miss it, right??" Edric asked.

Jerbo meekly smiled nodding when he felt himself flush.

"It'll be fine if I take a day leave notice a week prior, I've been working non-stop so my boss is fine with it. He's a good man, alright?" He said.

Amida looked around the table.

The twins had worried looks towards her.

"Hey..." She called for attention.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"Where's mom and mamá..?" She began.

"They're both upstairs, her high Empress is still unconscious due to shock, Imperial Highness Noceda is with her."

Mattholomule came at the right time and answered her.

"Oh..." Amida frowned.

"They'll be fine, right?" Jour asked.

"Will they??" Nuit added.

Everyone smiled assured the young twins and Amida.



Luz state beside her.

After a while more, Amity had gotten everything out of her system.

Everything from yesterday's breakfast that is.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now