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Amity cleared her throat out loud while wiping her lower lip.




"I'm fine! Just a little surprised..." She stuttered with a meek smile.

Luz scratched the back of her neck.

She felt a little... Embarrassed? Shy??

"Sorry if that came out a little too... Progressive? Blunt?? Rude???"

She couldn't find the right word to explain what she had just pulled on her. Sneaky.

"It's fine, I just need some time to plan how to tell the twins about this." Amity said.

Luz frowned and her gaze fell to her plate.

Amity perked up in realization of what she had just said.

"I-I mean..! I mean, I just need to think of what our wedding theme should be! So that! That... That--I get it prepared by Kikimora after I resolve some issues in the castle!" She was stammering a lot.

Talk about real-life dating now.

Luz assured a smile to her.

"I understand. Take your time and I'll wait, I'll be the one waiting this time. so please, don't take too much time." She said, chuckling as she went back to finishing her dinner.

Amity sighed.

'I feel like an idiot.'



Augustus couldn't believe it.

The far neighboring island from them wanted their island for expanding purposes and plans to seize hold of the throne.

He sat down in disbelief and disarray.

"Matt..." He groaned in both hands.

"Please, tell me that isn't true and that you're joking here." He begged.

Mattholomule couldn't really lie to him. He cares for him and he knew even when telling the truth was going to do a toll on him, he'd hold his ground.

"No, it's true. Look, I transferred school thereafter graduating a few years through my parents because they told me it was tradition. I worked there for a bit as a guard and quit later on to come back here, I'm telling the truth that they want to seize the throne here." He said.

Augustus sighed and laid back on the couch.

Mattholomule frowned and made his way beside him. He sat down and patted him over to lay his head on his shoulder.

Augustus fell heavy on his shoulder without retaliation.

"This is worse than those petitions to bring the Owl lady back," he pondered.

"Huh... A lot happened when I went away for a bit?" Mattholomule pondered.

"Yeah, I think the Empress will get married soon too." Augustus said.

Mattholomule chuckled and then asked, "who's the new Empress then? Did the Emperor take a liking to her a lot or just for a new face?"

Augustus pulled himself away from him.

"What?? No," he shook his head.

"The Former Emperor gave up his throne to the new Empress who's fixing everything top to bottom and bettering the Isles over the former ruling." He explained.

Mattholomule raised a brow.

"Ok... So who's the new ruler now then?" He hummed.

"Our old--I mean... 'My' old friend Amity. Amity Blight." Augustus said.

Mattholomule mentally choked.

"Are... Are you serious!? One of my... My old Grudgby nemesis became the Empress!?" He shot up from the couch.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now