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Amity's POV;

"Thank you,"

"Thank you,"

"Thank you,"

I kept repeating two words over and over again as family after family came and shook my hand whilst I sit on my throne.

This is a little boring but manageable.


I raised a brow at such a sudden whisper.

It was Boscha smirking at me beside the throne. She wore such a... Fancy getup, seriously, she's making this count for Willow. Wearing the vest and bowtie along with extravagant boots and pants, please, she looks like my personal Grand Duchess now.

I chuckled under a coy smirk.

"What now, Boscha? And nice clothes as well, Willow won't be waiting much longer if she sees you in that." I whispered before shaking the last family's hand.

Everyone then went down and gave their acknowledgment before bowing.

I raised a hand back and responded with, "stand up, and please, do enjoy your stay in celebration of my birthday."

And as if on cue, the band Emira hired started playing something calm.

I hope the villagers, eer... Well, the citizens who aren't rich families are having a fun time outside.

Smiling and waving, I stood up from my seat and made my way to the front balcony to see how they were doing.

As expected, they were having fun, a lot of fun. There was singing, laughing, dancing, and eating.

I chuckled when one of them suddenly tripped trying to wow a girl over for a dance.

Both sides of the rich and poor never change.



I perked up and glanced over my shoulder.

It was Augustus!

"Gus! How are you?" I smiled waving at him.

He smiled back and offered a hand.

I shook it with a firm grip.

"Oh! Got a good grip there! And I've been doing just fine!" He said.

We shared a moment of laughter before he went back to get us both drinks.

"Don't leave me hanging here, Gus," I laughed.

"Never in a million years, your high Empress!" He laughed back.

Oh, Augustus... He's still short. He's only an inch taller than Willow still.

Standing in wait, I'd watch the people down outside, ever so often I'd wave and smile when they point me out watching.

Are these the good perks of being a good ruler? I think so too. Everyone being this nice and grateful for everything. I don't even know if I ever want this kind of perks to stop.

I continued to look around, waving and smiling when pointed at before feeling a weird nostalgia suddenly crept unto me.

I don't know why but my heart wanted to sink badly.

I flinched when I spotted a familiar look in the ground with the others before suddenly disappearing.

My eyes widened and I tried to look for it again.

Where!?? Where did..!?

"Your high Empress,"

I jumped and accidentally drew my sword out.


I paused, my heart was racing and my mind was a blur in the situation.

It was just Augustus.

"Y-your high Empress??" He muttered.

I paused, I accidentally hit one of the drinks off of his hand.

Hurriedly putting my sword away, I apologized.

I think it caught the attention of the twins as I caught sight of them taking a glance at me.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now