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Amity's POV;

I sighed and crossed my legs sitting on the throne.

There wasn't much to do anymore.

Only three months had passed by and... I miss her.

I clutched my chest.

Why am suddenly missing you again!?

You're the one that left me without anything to know why!! You just disappeared like thin air as if you never existed!

"Hey, sis, are you ok??"

I almost jumped in my throne when Edric came passing by.

"Nothing much, I was just thinking about..." I muttered.

I sighed.

Why am I even muttering to begin with??

"Thinking of what??" He asked.

I looked at him. Still the same old big brother I know.

I sighed again.

"Do you remember Luz..? Luz Noceda?" I asked.


I glanced over at such a response from him.

He turned around, a hand on his waist while the other was occupied holding books he got from the library in this castle.

He doesn't even read but gets it for Jerbo anyways.

"Who's... Luz Noceda, sis??"

I felt a sharp pang in the back of my head to blink in confusion.

"What??" I asked.

"Who's Luz Noceda?? I don't remember anyone with that name, is she someone you meet without us knowing??"

I sat upright on my throne.

How come he doesn't know about her? They've both met several times before! Even at that damned birthday party where I almost had to marry some dude from a horrible family!

"What are you talking about?? You don't remember the human..?" I tried to ask simpler.

He chuckled at me before saying, "sis, I don't think humans exist, we've never seen any... And also... Can you just tell me who this Luz Noceda is? That person sounds interesting to know now."

I bit my lip shut.

"F... Forget I said anything."

"What?? But I wanna--"

"Forget. It."

I saw him flinch in the corner of my eye and hurried off.

I sighed.

I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. He's still my older brother after all and I care for him and he cares for me even when we don't ask each other to do so.


Standing up, I walked off to go to the inside library.

When I got there, Boscha was there helping with arranging the books.

"Well, good afternoon to you, your high Empress."

I laughed.

"You know you can just call me the same... Amity, as usual, Boscha." I said.

She laughed back but continued with arranging.

"Yeah, yeah... But what's got you going over here, Amity?? I'm pretty sure all you do is paperwork, rest, the throne, and so on without a single visit here unless necessary." She hummed.

I smiled and took a seat on one of the empty chairs.

"It isn't really necessary, I accidentally snapped at my older brother." I sighed.

"What!? You got pissed?? Why?? What did he do to piss you off!??"

I waved her off.

"It's nothing serious, and besides I accidentally snapped." I scoffed.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now