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There was a sigh that escaped Amity's lips as the castle was now getting remodeled to the liking of how the citizens wanted to see her with one.

Grumbling, she wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing or not but he wanted her to be in a home where it wasn't like his.

"Excuse me for asking, Emper--"

"Your high Empress, I am no longer Emperor."

Amity flinched and nodded meekly.

"R-Right, of course, my apologies." She muttered.

Belos chuckled at her remark before saying, "you don't need to owe me anything, your high Empress, I just hope that when I'm gone, you'll be able to handle everything the Isles will offer and force on you."

Amity meekly smiled nodding.

She had to get used to it.

"I hope you're a big fan of paperwork, your high Empress."

She snickered over Belos's joke. Laughing a bit under a hand, she really couldn't help but be amused with it.

"I hope not..." She laughed before joking on about, "being an old Emperor's coven leader gave me hell with that."

Belos chuckled.

"Then I will most definitely hope you do now." He sighed.

Amity's smile felt less meek and calmer now.

"But... Empe--I mean..."


"Belos... Why are you..? Dying?"

Belos glanced over to her without much thought under the cold mask he wears.

Amity couldn't help but glance back at him as well.

"I am not dying, your high Empress."

As matter of fact did Belos say that.

Amity's eyes widened in surprise.

"You... You aren't but..."

"I am not dying but going somewhere far away. I don't know how long it'll take for me to find them but I won't be back here ever again..." Belos hummed, raising a hand, he drew a spell and a black orb appeared in his palm.

"What do you mean by that..? Who's this 'them' you're talking abou--!??"

Amity's words were cut off when Belos placed a red orb through her heart. Gulping, she didn't know how to react. It doesn't feel like something happened, she feels just fine in all honesty.

"What..?" She muttered patting herself.

"That's the last bit of my power and before I do leave now, I will tell you who I'm looking for..." Belos hummed.

Amity stared at him, he drew a final spell and opened a portal beside him.

"I am looking for my family,"

And with that, he disappeared through it just before Amity could intervene to ask more.

Amity stood there in the balcony, all on her own, staring at nothing before her only to jump a bit when Kikimora came knocking at the door.

"Your high Empress, your subjects await for you down in the throne room and wish to speak with you over cold problems."

Amity gulped before looking over to the closet. The former Emperor did say something about her having to wear something like a daily uniform when around the castle.

Walking over to it. She wore it with some time before walking out with Kikimora still in wait by the door.

"Let's go." Amity said with Kikimora having to do nothing but nod and follow behind her.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now