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Edric slowly glanced over to Emira who dropped their spoon onto her plate.

He then slowly glanced back over to Amity who was fiddling with her hands rested on top clasped on the table after she set her breakfast to the side.

"You're really..." He tried to move his mouth to express what his mind wanted to tell, it was hard.

"You're getting married!??"

Emira helped him with that.

Amity nodded.

"Ok, ok, ok--"

Emira tried to breathe in and out as she slowly sat back down on her seat with Edric just mouthing out random things that he couldn't make a noise of.

"With who?" He finally asked.

Amity hummed, lips pursed tight before she gave in and blurted out, "Luz."

"Luz!??" The twins shot up loudly.

"You're marrying that damned human who left you for who knows a decade maybe and now wants to get back like this!??" Emira yelled.

"No! I am not letting you marry someone who just abandoned you like that and came crawling back whining for your attention like this!!" Edric yelled.

'I knew they'd react terribly.' Amity felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck.

"Look, she changed. And she didn't mean to do it on purpose." She tried reasoning it out.

"Actions speak louder than words!!" Edric pointed a finger down on the table.

"And what she did years ago just leaving you that one time outside of Hexside spoke about it!" He continued.


"Listen! It was all an accident! A terrible misunderstanding of the situation!" Amity said, this time, she stood up from her seat, hands slammed unto the table.

"Amity, when she disappeared. You were clueless! She stood you up there outside of Hexside!" Emira said and then continued with, "if it weren't for mom and dad's worry of why you haven't come back knowing it was past eight worried us enough to come look for you!"

Amity groaned in irritation.

"Amity, we found you sleeping by the steps of Hexside. Luckily nothing bad happened to you when you were there waiting out in the night cold." Emira said.

"I know that happened! I didn't forget, but she's trying! She explained everything! She's desperate this time! This time, this curse relates us both now!" Amity said.

The twins were taken aback.

Amity slapped a hand on her mouth when she realized what she had just said.

"What did you just say at the last part?" Edric asked under his breath.

Amity shook her head, not wanting to answer him.

"Amity..." Emira called.

"What do you mean curse..? You said the only cursed one was her and she not only wanted you but needed you to break it for the both of you." She worried.

Amity bit her tongue under her hand.

"You don't understand... It's... You don't know her that's why..." She tried to reason.

"Yes, we don't know her but please, don't tell us she'll hurt you again." Edric pondered.

Amity frowned.

"She won't, she promised. She just wants everyone I know, their blessings for us before planning the wedding." She said.

"Our blessings?" Emira squinted her eyes towards her.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now