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Amity's POV;

I don't know how long I've been inside the office but I for sure didn't sleep the whole night.

Finally... I was done with the last paper.

"Your high Empress, are you still in there?"

I heard knocking followed by Kikimora's voice outside.

"Yes, I am." I called back as I finished the last one with a smile.

It was just another noise complaint that was easy to resolve all on its own.

With a creak and a few footsteps, Kikimora walked inside and bowed at me.

"Raise your head." I commanded before continuing with, "I've finished everything in here."

She shot up with such a shocked look.

"You're amazing, your high Empress!"

I chuckled at the compliment.

"But, your high Empress, you haven't gotten any breakfast, lunch, and dinner since yesterday and today... Nor sleep even!"

I chuckled again.

I'm going to die sooner than I realize when everything suddenly grew dizzy and lightheaded for me.

"Your high Empress!!"

That was the only thing I heard before everything went quiet and dark for me.


Slowly opening my eyes over the quiet muttering of voices around me.

I stared at the bedroom ceiling.

Wait, bedroom ceili--


A headache hit me hard when I woke up completely.


I tried to sit up to see who suddenly yelled my name because it was not Kikimora herself. She'd never have the guts to do that now that I'm Empress.

Oh... It was just Willow...


Boscha, my mentor, the twins, and Augustus.

"What are you all doing here?? No... More importantly, how did you all get inside here?" I asked.

"Kikimora called to tell us you fainted." Willow said while holding one of my hands in both hers.

I meekly smiled looking away.

Shoot... I probably shouldn't just skip meals too often and ignore sleep.

Meekly laughing, I tried to assure them about myself.

"I'm fine, I just fainted." I said.

"Amity! We were told that you skipped almost five meals now and a whole night of sleep just to finish the former Emperor's paperwork! That is careless of you!" My mentor nagged.

I felt a lump on my throat because of that, sighing out loud, I raised a leg from under the covers and laid my face on my knee.

"I got busted." I scoffed.

There was silence in the room before everyone even including me... Fell into a quick fit of laughter at what I had said.

"But seriously, mittens..."

I glanced over the other side to see Edric standing beside Emira.

"You scared us..!" He said.

"I know... I'm... Sorry for that and..."

"And also, thank you."

I shot up.

I glanced over at Gus who was wearing a chippered smile at me.

"Thank you for what?" I asked him.

"For finally agreeing on disbanding covens like that! Principal Bump was so happy when it was finally agreed that he told all of us about it." He said.

Oh... Right.

How long has principal Bump even been alive..??

"You're welcome." I said.

"And Emira..."

I glanced over to see Emira with crossed arms.

She sighed at me.

"I know... You're probably thinking I'm mad that you still went here to grab the crown and the throne... But I'm not." She said.

I was confused.

She isn't??

"You're not?" I asked.

"I only detested you going because I wouldn't know if you'd come back alive or not, but you're alive so I don't have anything else to be mad at you." She shrugged.

I smiled.

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