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Amity's POV;

"Who are you two..?" I asked while staring up at the witch and wizard standing at the front door.

It's been a week after the funeral and my mood was not in a good shape to handle guests.

Edric was busy at work and Emira was doing paperwork in dad's office.

"You poor thing,"

I flinched when the witch suddenly reached a hand forward.

I smacked it away and frowned.

Drawing a spell, an abomination readied itself growling behind me.

"I'll ask again... Who are you two..?" I hissed.

They both smiled warmly at me.

But it felt fake! It's disgusting!!

"We're your aunt and uncle, Amity." The wizard said.

My aunt and uncle?? I've never even heard of them..!

"What the hell are you two on about? I don't know anyone who looks like you two." I said before slamming the door shut and locked.

"Aaarghh--damn!! My foot!"

"Dear! Are you alright!?"

"This brat..!"

"Open the door!!"

I covered my ears and kept the abomination faced to the door.

"This is why your parents died!! It's all your fault! If you hadn't been such a failure, they wouldn't have probably died in that accident!"

I flinched and felt such a tight weight in my chest.

And before I knew it, my cheeks felt hot, my nose itched, and tears slipped before I could try and react faster.

I went down covering my ears.

"Shut up!!" I yelled.

"Dear, we can come back tomorrow. They're not going anywhere now that their parents are gone, come along."

"What!? That spoiled brat needs to learn a lesson!! Slamming the door on my foot is disrespectful!"

I could hear him banging on the locked door.

"Get the hell out of there, brat!!"

It wasn't my fault they died!!

It wasn't my fault!!

It wasn't my fault!!

It wasn't my fault!!

It wasn't my fault!!

I bit my lips shut trembling.

"Brat!! Open this door now!! I'm warning you!"



I screamed almost instantly when I felt a sudden light weight on my shoulders.

"Get away from me!" I yelled fumbling.


"I didn't do anything!" I yelled kicking.

"It wasn't my fault they died!!" I cried out, my arms growing weak as I heard someone hushing at me.

"Amity, it's ok, it's ok,"

I sniffled.

"It's me, it's me... It's Emira, it's ok."

I looked up trying to wipe my tears.

"Em!!" I cried out, bawling out loud with clutching hands.

My crying was muffled when she pulled me close to her.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself... It wasn't your fault, remember that." She said.

I nodded meekly trying to calm down.

But I couldn't stop crying harder.

Even the sudden sound of the front door suddenly being slammed open before getting followed by a loud crash of someone hitting the floor became faint to my ears.

"Aaauughh--uhHH--E-Edric!? What are you doing!? Honey!? Are you ok!!?"

I flinched when Emira tried to wipe my cheeks.

"Don't look, ok, Amity? I and Ed will just do a little cleaning." She said.

I wasn't in the right state of mind that I just nodded covering my eyes with trembling hands on my knees.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now