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The twins were glaring at Luz.

All the while Eda and Camila smiled with clasped hands at Amity.

Pretty sure this dispute was going to be hell if they don't choose the right things here.

King cleared his throat out loud, catching everyone's attention.

"So?" He began with a chuckle.

"We can't let the waiter stand over there waiting for our orders now right?" He joked.

Camila smiled nodding.

"Sorry, it's just, it's been a long time since I've seen you Amity. You grew up well. And could you please just order for us, King?" She said.

King perked up in surprise but agreed either way.

"Yeah, kid. You're also the new ruler now, so that's some big talk there too!" Eda agreed with Camila.

Amity smiled.

"Thank you, Miss. Camila and Miss. Eda." She said.

"Oh, please, Eda is fine!" Eda laughed.

"Camila is fine for me as well." Camila added.

Amity meekly smiled scratching the back of her neck.

"O... Of course," she stuttered.

Luz's eyes hadn't left the twins one bit after they locked eyes again.

"I'm guessing your older siblings are glaring at our kid because she left without a word, right?" Eda asked as she reached over Luz and nudged her in the shoulder.

Luz was shaken away from the staring contest and towards her before to Amity who gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'm not forgiving you that easily, Luz." Edric chided as he laid back with crossed arms.

Luz nodded with a quiet sigh.

"I know," she said before continuing with, "that's why I'd like to ask... For... An apology."

"Actions speak louder than words, Luz." Emira hummed.

Luz nodded again.

"That's why, this time. I'm not leaving." She said.


That got the twins off guard.

She wasn't leaving? What does that even mean really? Is it a good thing? Or a bad thing?

"What do you mean by that?" Emira asked with a stern glare.

Luz felt sweat pouring behind her neck as she kept her hands clasped firmly in front of her.


She was speechless?? Oh, wow.

They stayed in complete silence as a waitress came over and placed cold glasses of water beside their hot dinner.

It didn't take that long to make and King chose a good dinner from the menu too.

It really is a nice thing she booked the whole thing for the second time again.


Emira called between their moment of silence to enjoy their plates.

"I disagree with you getting married to our young sister."


Amity shot up.

"Woah?? Em?? Is that you!? Are you ok??"

And so did Edric. Well, it was really surprising as he wasn't told this was part of some plan like they usually had every day.

Amity was shocked enough to drop her utensils down on her plate.

"Wait, what..? You're not letting these two marry?" Eda stuttered and blinked profusely in surprise.

Emira nodded.

Luz's back was pressed hard on the back of the chair.

"W... Why..?" She muttered.

Emira sighed.


"I'm pregnant!"

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now