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Amity's POV;


"You just called me by name..." I muttered under my breath.

She chuckled and opened the box.

I looked inside and gasped.

"Macarons..." I said.

She laughed and grabbed one.

"Since this is a date, is it alright if I call you by your first name, Amity?" She asked.

I cleared my throat out loud under a smile.

"Of... Of course," I said.

My face is probably flushed by now.

She chuckled and offered one.

I perked up.

Why is she suddenly feeding it to me!? This is going way faster than years ago.

But I'm not backing down that easily!!

Leaning forward, I took a bite.

It's still as sweet as ever.

Both the dessert and her.

"You never cease to amaze me, Luz." I pondered.

She chuckled before saying, "anything for my dear Amity."

I smiled.

She talks just like how she did when we went on our dates years ago.

Always going 'my dear' on me when she gets the chance.

"Now what kind of questions would you like to ask me?"

I perked up.

"Questions?" I wondered.

She raised a brow.

"Didn't you ask me out on a date to ask me questions about myself?" She asked.

I hummed.

"Well, I suppose that was the plan but... I didn't really care much other than getting back to you, and I'm not just gonna start asking you for tea." I said.

I want a date.

"I want a date." I chided.

She stared at me with complete shock, slowly, her face flushed deep red and she immediately averted my gaze.

Score... You win this time, Amity!

Oh, yeah!!

I chuckled and reached a hand forward to cup her cheek.

She slowly glanced back over to me when I did so.

"Luz, I missed you. And I'm not letting you go... Ever again." I said.

That eased her down a bit but she was still a red-faced mess.

"And besides, you talked about dying completely if you don't marry me. Seriously, you could've married me for real! I wouldn't mind." I scoffed.

"Huh?" She chirped.

Wait, did I just say I would've married her even if I was still attending Hexside..?

Shoot! I did..! Why did I even say that?

I huffed and scratched the back of my neck.

"Don't look at me like that. You'd probably say the same things if our roles were reversed." I scoffed.

She chuckled at me.

"Yeah... I would if it was." She said.

I smirked, I couldn't help but chuckle as well.

This date just went from zero to great.

This is nice.

"Let's go take a seat, shall we?" I suggested while leading.

She walked beside me, closing the box. She asked me one thing right after we started to get a move on.

"You're still planning to find out about me when you get the chance, right?"

I huffed.

Of course, I would.

"Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" I laughed before offering her a seat.

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