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Drinking the warm tea in both hands, she was at ease watching everyone who were walking about as she flipped over the next page of her book.

It's been years since she's retired now, hasn't she..? It has been quite a long time indeed.

Then she heard knocking on her front door downstairs.

Standing up from the balcony, she made her way downstairs to answer it.

She was met with two familiar faces smiling at her.

"Good afternoon, Miss. Lilith."

"Good afternoon, Aunt Lilith."

Lilith couldn't help but smile and make way for them inside her home.

"I'm sorry if I hadn't tidied up a bit. I wasn't expecting you both to arrive sooner." She said as she drew a spell, dispersing anything out of place to get tidied around.

"Oh, I hope we didn't come uninvited rudely!" Luz chirped.

Lilith chuckled assuring them.

"No, no, it's fine. It gets lonely here sometimes, but I hope you two have been doing well together." She said.

Luz smiled nodding before flinching with having to catch Amity when she suddenly got pulled.

Lilith perked up.

There wasn't anything to trip on unless it was by gravity.

Clearing her throat out loud, she tried to point out a question towards them.

"O-Oh! Right, we got it on... Accident." Amity stammered.

Lilith nodded in understanding but she wore an amused smirk over it.

"I see... You two did come back together just like what Augustus had told me." She mused.

Luz perked up.

"Gus told you about us..?" She wondered.

Lilith nodded before saying, "yes, he did. While I was going out for groceries, we stumbled and had a little chat before we went our separate ways."

Amity huffed.

"I need to stop Gus from going on about things like that so easily." She sighed.

"Well, we can't stop him like that y'now. Gus has a sharp tongue so it's not gonna be easy, luckily he doesn't talk much about it in Hexside." Luz assured.

Amity rolled her eyes and took a seat beside her on the table as Lilith prepared tea for them.

"Right, right, but we can't just let Gus talk about a lot of things that happen inside the castle, others might exaggerate it to other people." Luz said.

Lilith hummed before saying, "aren't you two a little glad he doesn't tell too many secrets?"

Amity stuck her tongue in discontent making Luz chuckle at her childish actions.

"Well, I'm glad he doesn't chatter too much." Luz sighed.

Lilith chuckled offering them tea before taking her seat opposite of them.

"Now, if you wouldn't mind. I'd love a little explanation for your sudden disappearance, dear nephew." She hummed.

Luz mentally choked on her tea and smiled.

"Yes, of course, I'll explain that." She said.

Lilith smiled assuring her.

"If you don't feel comfortable talking about it, we can talk some other time." She said.

"No, no, it's alright! I can tell you right now!" Luz stammered.

Lilith nodded and clasped her hands on top of the table.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now