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King's POV;

Rummaging around box after box.

Finally, I found it.

"Heh," I huffed.

"I forgot Luz gave me this so many years ago." I pondered, dusting the front and back thick cover.

It's hard trying to learn Spanish just to read this thing, but whatever.

I stretched an arm out before walking over to grab the phone.

Hm... I think Eda said something about Luz finally joining in on the celebration and stuff.

I bet she'd be excited when I show her this book.

Humming, I grunted when I hit the top frame of the door.

I huffed.

I keep forgetting to crouch when I go through the front door again.

Dusting my shirt, I cracked my knuckles and hurried over to the mansion.


Sometimes I wonder why we got a mansion. Even if it was for storage and all, it's a little... Expensive.

"Hello," I smiled waving when Camila opened the door.

"Hello to you too, King." She said while giving way for me to walk inside.

That's when something hit me.


Trying to sit up from the ground, I looked up to see brown skin, dark hair, and a smug grin.

"Hey, King!"

I laughed.

"Hey, Luz!" I replied trying to get up when she stood up and offered a hand towards me.

Smiling, I crossed my arms looking around.

"Huh, not much changed since the last time I came over here a month ago." I pondered.

"A month ago??"

I glanced over when Luz suddenly asked that.

"Well, I mostly spent my time in my cabin trying researching and all. Putting everything I knew about demons into account through a lot of books." I said, shrugging as I showed her the book she gave me.

She gasped almost excitedly waving her hands mid-air.

"Oh Dios mío..." She muttered under her breath.

"Is that the same magical book I gave you a long time ago?" She asked.

I nodded before opening to a random page, commonly, somewhere in the middle.

"Look, it's been recording everything you've been doing. Like in this thing it calls 'He'll Grounds'??" I said while pointing at it.

She chuckled and corrected me.

"It's Hell Grounds, King." She said.

"Oh," I chirped.

So it is.

I nodded in understanding.

"Here," I offered it back.

She raised a brow and took it with hesitation.

"Why are you giving it to me?" She asked.

"Well, it's yours's and it's recording you." I said.

"It's a weird magical book that's recording you." I pondered.

She smirked and opened to the last page.

"And it still is recording me," she said before reading out a few bits from it.

"Y luego King le devolvió a Luz su libro mágico de registros y le dijo: "Bueno, es tuyo y te está grabando"," she read out before continuing further with, "y Luz sonrió, abriendo la última página y luego diciendo, "Y todavía me está grabando"."

I laughed at her humor when she finally stopped by shutting the book with one hand.

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