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Boscha's POV;

"Alright, new team! It's over let's get this show on the road!!" I yelled as I clapped my hands out loud to grab their attention.

They all laughed and hurried over to the bus.

Smiling, I saw Willow walk over to me.

"Good luck in the championship." She said.

I smiled even more, proudly this time too.

"Don't worry, babe! I swear on my heart I'll win that trophy not only for this new team but for you as well."

I winked too.

She chuckled at me before giving me the usual good luck kiss.

I always melt on that and I don't even care if eyes would be on me for it.

"See you later!" She said before running off.

I smiled waving back before hurrying inside the bus with the others.


"Carlos! Why are you throwing the game!?"

I yelled at the center who was visibly throwing it away like nothing.

"Sorry!" He didn't mean that apology one bit.

These... These new players are trying to humiliate me by throwing it away!

These damned...

I'll show them..!



I gasped, breathing heavily, I stared at the ground feeling heavy on my chest.

I could hear cheering but I wasn't sure who's side cheer that was.

Championship my ass... All my old teammates were replaced by knockoffs who just want me humiliated.

And before I knew it, everything was dark.


I opened my eyes to stare up at the ceiling without understanding.

"Oh, you're awake."

I glanced over my side to see my coach.

Yep, my coach.

He was in charge of the team itself and everything.

"I saw everything..."

I huffed.

"They were throwing the game weren't they?"

I huffed again and nodded.

He saw everything, huh..?

He saw how they were throwing the game and all.

"I've decided to change your teammates again but... Your contract was renewed."

"My contract was what!??" I shot up from my bed.

And I quickly winced falling back down in pain.


I groaned, ignoring his worry.

"Coach, y'now I told you that once my contract expires, I'm no longer in the game..." I hissed at him.

"I know, I know... But the manager herself ordered for it to be renewed." He said.

"That's illegal renewing..." I growled.

"I had plans, coach, damn plans and this ruins it all!" I yelled.

I glanced over the window.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"Two days." He sighed.

I grunted and placed a hand on my face.

I was supposed to call her when the game ended and here I am laying on a bed waiting to heal for real.

I sighed.

My plans and schedule of everything were now ruined.

Drawing a spell, I took my scroll out to see if I was able to make a call to her.

While doing so, confusion hit me.

Why is... Why am I blocked..??

"Coach, did someone use my scroll!?" I asked.

"What?? No??? Besides, if that happened I would've known without much question."

I growled.

Willow blocked me?? Why???

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