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Luz's POV;

"I'm sorry but I need to check up on her." I said.

My mom sighed and it looks like Eda doesn't even want to object with me leaving so quickly to the Boiling Isles too.

"Ok... Also, kid,"

I perked up.

"If you see my sister still alive there, tell her I miss her." She said.

I nodded.

"Ok, I'll try to see if we do cross paths." I said.

I've been gone for years now.

Eda had said something about the Emperor coven's guards somehow getting here and then kidnapping Lilith back into the Isles.

I didn't want to believe it but my mom said the same thing to me. There was no denying it happened.

Clicking unto the key in hand.

I stared at the small suitcase that began unfolding into a door.

I walked through and was immediately met with... Peace..?


I called out softly.

My home... It was...

A wreck!

Someone... Or maybe even something destroyed it, leaving bits and pieces of walls unto the ground. Furniture was broken in many ways possible and was scattered everywhere.

"Hooty??" I called out louder.

"Luz??? Hoot--"

I shot up.

He's still alive and well?? After all these years!?

I rushed over a pile of broken junk as to where I was sure I heard him.

He was at the bottom.

"Oh, geez, you're so..."


"Hoot, everything huuurtts--hoot, hoot!"

And he still knows how to yell.

"Hey, what happened here..?" I asked as I began to draw out a spell that can heal all the broken bits and pieces from the edges of the door frame and his face.

"A bunch of small wars broke out in broad daylight when the Emperor decided to give up his throne, hoot."

What?? War?? Emperor? Throne!?

No, Amity could be..!

"Wait, how did you even get in the middle of the war anyway??" I asked.

"A small war happened in the middle somewhere here, hoot, hoot, and I was caught in the middle while I was sleeping." He said.

"Are you saying there were a bunch of small wars here and there in the Isles?" I asked.

He didn't hesitate to nod in agreement.

"Y'now what, explain everything from top to bottom of the Emperor for me." I asked.


After a while of listening, it was... A shocker. Ok... So when the Emperor opened the throne for everyone in the isles, all hell broke loose but someone was able to manage to grab it and stop the wars and bring better peace.

"Ok... So... Who's the new ruler now?" I wondered.

"Amity blight, hoot, she's the new Empress, hooooott..."

I almost mentally choked, or even worse, physically as I stood up and carried him with me so I can rebuild my home here again.

"Ok, Hooty, stay back and just watch because I'll try to fix this place as much as I can." I said.

He didn't mind and I just laid him back unto a tree.


Looking around, a lot had changed while I was gone... I wonder if she's...

Looking around, I spotted someone familiar in the distance.


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