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Amity's POV;

Strange... Have these flowers ever been this... Lovely? They all seemed to have bloomed just today without me knowing until now.

I huffed and walked over to a bush of flowers.

I smiled reaching for one.

"Willow sure took good care of you all." I pondered, running a thumb on one of the petals, I chuckled.

Standing back upright, I sighed and looked around more.

Ok... Everything looks bloomed in this garden, just how hard did Willow take care of them?? It's beautiful.

I'll have to commend her for it.

She's a great gardener.

Walking around, I perked up when I saw it.

"Are these..." Muttering, I walked closer and knelt on one knee.

"Roses?" I chirped taking one into hand.

The thorns were sharp, but not sharp enough to immediately scar me when I felt around them.

Why would Willow bring on such a plant like this in the garden? I don't remember this at all.

Standing back up, everything suddenly went dark when I felt heavy pain behind my head.


Groaning, I woke up laying on the grass.

Blinking, I tried to look up.

I shot up.

"Luz, what are you doing!?" I yelled standing up.

But I immediately fell to one knee when the back of my head ached.

I hissed.

"Your high Empress!"

I perked up when she rushed over.

"Your high Empress, are you ok!? They didn't hurt you too much did they!??"

I raised a brow and glanced over her shoulder.

It was an assassin... Who would send an assassin at me..?

"Yes, yes, I'm fine... They just hit me hard in the head. I was caught a little off guard." I assured her.

I looked up at her face.

I couldn't help but feel a tang of guilt when I saw her wear such a worried look at me.

I forced a meek smile to my face and patted her head.

"I'm fine, Luz, as the Empress, I can't just die that easily." I said.

"Also, my head really hurts." I added.

I flinched when she pulled me in her arms.

My face feels hot, gulping, I meekly reached a hand behind her back to pat her.

"There, there, Luz," I muttered.

She sighed nodding before parting back.

"Does your head really hurt bad, your high Empress?" She asked.

I chuckled.

"Can't say it doesn't, can't I?" I said.

It hurts like hell, damnit.

"Here, let me heal that."

I watched as she drew a spell circle near the side of my face.


"Oh, it's gone now." I pondered feeling around the back of my head.

I smiled.

"Thank you," I acknowledged her.

She perked up, I could see faint redness in her cheeks as I stood up and offered her a hand.

She smiled and took it.

That's when I noticed her grab a box from the ground.

I raised a brow.

"What's that?" I asked.

She smiled taking the box in both hands in front of me.

"If I recall correctly, this is your favorite, Amity." She said.

I flinched.

Did she just call me by my name..!?

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