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Amida's POV;

I feel so... Anxious, uhh...

"Everything alright, ¿mi hija?"

I perked up over Mami's sudden call.

I meekly smiled and said, "I'm just... A little anxious, I don't know if Mom's face is the same as ever."

She chuckled and patted my head.

I pulled her hand away.

"Ma, for the last time. I don't like head pats!" I whined.

Whining doesn't do anything good at all but make them laugh and just do it more often than wanted.

"Here we are."

I looked up realizing I've been staring at the ground while walking.

It was a nice house.

A little untouched but it looked cozy.


I raised a brow.

"Do you hear tha--"


Before I could finish my sentence something long extended out from the gates and just... Lunged at Mami!

"Ma!? Ma!!" I yelled for her as something brown wrapped itself around her.

She didn't seem to be in pain but it was squeezing her a bit.

"Let my Mami go you little--"


I paused midway casting an attack spell when I heard her laugh.


"Hello to you too, Hooty, it's been a very long time--ughh... Loosen off of me will you?"

"Sure thing, hoot! And who's this one?? Ohh... She's only two years old but she looks like she's fifteen already! Hoot! Hoot!"

I stared at the bird tube in confusion and gave a retaliating look at it.

"¿Qué diablos se supone que eres?" I asked.

"Mi hija,"

I lowered my hands down when Mami placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Meet Hooty, he's a thorn to the side but he has good use for home security." She explained.

Home security for what?? Is this what home security looks like in this world? Since when was this ever a thing back when I was a few months younger still living here???

"Really?" I squinted my eyes at her and lowered it down to this long thing named Hooty.

She nodded when I looked back up at her.


I glanced over the sudden shout.

Someone came rushing out through the door and through the open gate.


I was confused.

I watched as Mami rushed hugging a tall dog person. He had a lot of fur, but he had a weird skull on him, and one of his horns had a weird asymmetrical thing to it. One was shorter than the other, sheesh.

"Ma," I called.

She glanced over at me with a smile.

"Who's he?" I asked.

"Oh, my word... Look at how grown you've got! I believe you're two years old right now but have the same intelligence as a regular teenager has? You even have the same body as one that you'll be stuck in until you turn nineteen where you'll begin to grow up like a regular witch again."

My eyes probs had sparkles in them from how knowledgeable this creature was.

"Who are you???" I asked in anticipation.

"Why, I'm one of your uncles of course. It's me, Amida, Uncle King, remember?"

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now