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Amity's POV;

"You two took me off of my work in the castle, which means I get to make fun of you two for it." I said as I laid down on the sand, clothes soaking wet, hair undone, sleeves messily pulled up, top button undone, collar in a mess, and my pants catching the sand I sat on.

Edric sighed and sat down beside me.

Wow, we're both just like dad. Dad didn't care if sand stuck to his pants if it'd mean being able to sit down to rest a bit.

Emira was still in the water... Floating.

She had her arms and legs spread out as she floated on top of calm waves with shut eyes.

"She's going to get sunburnt sooner or later..." I blurted.

Edric laughed and drew a spell.

An umbrella immediately plopped onto my lap.

"Right..." I sighed and stood back up to walk up to her with the umbrella.

Opening it, I raised it over me and Emira who opened an eye to look at me.

"Yes?" She said.

"You'll get sunburnt, dummy." I said.

She snickered and sat upon the water, taking the umbrella, I sat down beside her in the close shore.

"I'm gonna go back up there to grab our bags!!" Edric yelled before running off.

I and Emira took note of it.

"How's your relationship with Viney?" I sparked a conversation.

"Me and Viney..?" She hummed before answering with, "it's been fine, she's working in her newly built vet for pets and strays."

I huffed.

A pet store, huh...

"Really? That's pretty nice." I said.

She chuckled before saying, "well, I am the Grand Duchess who helps out with daily routine work around the castle with you. Mostly it's just me answering wisdom to people who have problems they're not sure how to solve."

I snickered and swayed a hand on the water.

It's pretty calm in the ocean that's on high tide.

"Is it tiring?" I wondered.

"If it's you and Ed I'm working with. Nope, not one bit at all!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and nudged her shoulder.

"I'm the Empress now and you're my sister, just tell me if you don't like working. I wouldn't care much if I do all the work." I said.

She exasperated a gasp and stuck her tongue at me.

I laughed.

"No way, mittens! If mom and dad were here right now they'd kill either me or Ed for not helping!" She said.

Well, she's right about that.

If mom and dad were here they'd both be dead with a lot of nagging and disappointment at them.

"Still though, you kept our name from falling apart when a lot of other families tried to get into our family to ruin it." I said.

I still remember all those times an unknown family we've never met kept claiming to be our uncle and aunt who came to aid us.

"Remember the Arnold Family?"

I flinched at that last name.

"They were all pieces of dirty scumbagged shits,"

I shot up when she suddenly cussed so much.

"Woah..??" I was a little surprised.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now