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Amida's POV;

I stared at all the guests my eyes could see.

There were a lot, they must all be rich.

Huh, is it just me or are they staring at me..? Or is it... Mami..?

I looked over to see her wear such a calm smile.

I could hear their whisperings about us.

"That's the Tyrant's wife and legitimate daughter, right?"

"I didn't know they were both still alive, I pity them."

"Such a shame it is that the Tyrant herself didn't even find time to let her wife and legitimate daughter back into the palace yet kept those cursed things beside her."

"Luckily, that daughter has her looks, making it obvious that she's royalty. Such a pity she is to be like this."

What are they all saying..!? My other mom would never do that! She... She's just having a hard time because she was struck with some stupid black magic spell! It happened to other witches, wizards, and guards that joined the battle too!!

They're all wrong!


I flinched and yanked my gaze towards Mami.

"Yeah, ma?" I hummed.

She smiled patting my head.

I didn't feel like... Retaliating this one.

"Take it easy, we have to greet your Auntie a happy birthday first, remember?"

I smiled nodding.

"Yes, ma." I said.

Somehow, it liven the place a bit to stop the negative whispering. Instead, it was replaced with... Positive? Hm...

We made our way around and stood greeting my Auntie.


I perked up and glanced over to Mami who smiled waving.

My Auntie waved back at us.

Mami must've been a really good sister-in-law to her.

Auntie Emira was there, Uncle Edric was there, and... Hm... Mom's not...

"You've grown well, Amida, do you still remember me?"

I glanced up to see Auntie had stood up from the throne to greet me personally.

"Not really... I only remember... Being with you somewhere in the castle gardens..?" I said.

Well, that's all I remember about her. She was always there with someone who was my nanny.

She'd help make flower crowns with me whenever she'd have time.

"Of course, she remembers you! We always visited her in the garden, how about me though. Do you still remember good Uncle Edric??"

I meekly smiled nodding when Auntie's twin brother came over as well.

He smiled giddily and reached an open hand forward.

"Then, can I ask for your first dance tonight, Amida?" He asked.

Huh... I wanted my first dance on Auntie's birthday to be with mom.

I guess you can't have everything tho--

I was suddenly swept away from them. Trying to look up, I saw mom.

Wait, mom!??

It's mom!!!


She suddenly turned, leading the dance, did she come out of nowhere right before I could take Uncle Edric's hand for the first dance?!?

Ohh... My first dance on Auntie's birthday was with mom... Woah...

Yay!! This is the best.

I wonder where Mami i--...

Huh? Why does she look so shocked..?

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now